Page 86 of Detroit

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I, painfully average Everleigh Barker, a girl who couldn’t change my own tire or call to cancel an insanely overpriced car insurance policy because of the potential confrontation, was going to need to save myself.

A little helpless whimper escaped me, muffled by the duct tape that was biting into my skin with its glue.

I let myself feel the helplessness for just a moment.

Then I took another deep breath and looked around.

At… a bedroom.

A bedroom?

I’d expected a basement. You know, because what kind of criminal put you in a bedroom?

One full of their own personal items.

There was a bed crushed against a wall, a twin-size only. With a comforter half hanging off of it. Blue. But with some sort of pattern to it.

I squinted at it, making out the shapes of those little caricatures that I saw on children’s clothes and backpacks. Likely from a show that all the kids loved, but I was clueless about, not having any of my own.

That was a child’s bed.

Almost as soon as that thought formed, my gaze was sweeping around, taking in other signs of a kid.

A multicolored plastic storage unit, little animal figurines and trucks poking out of their buckets.

The carpet on the floor was one like my cousin had when I was a kid. A little town. With streets to run those little Matchbox cars on.

Little sneakers were on their sides near an open closet.

Oddly, though, the closet didn’t have a lot of clothes in it.

My gaze moved around again, seeing a window.

I was bound, sure. But in the front.

I could open a window.

Then I could, you know, just… throw myself out of it. Hope I landed well. And run.

Run where, I had no idea.

But, surely, there would be people around. Someone would see a gagged and bound woman, and do the right thing.

I had to believe that.

Pulling my knees inward, I tucked them under me.

My head spun.

And I worried for a moment about my head injury.

I couldn’t reach back to touch it, but the ever-present throbbing, and the wet sensation on my skull made me think that I had some sort of open wound there.

A concussion?


Would I live through this at all?
