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“Will it get the pub out of debt?” I asked, crossing my fingers behind my back.

“And then some,” Sarah replied with a shaky voice. “This will pay off everything and leave a nice nest egg for Benny and Ma.”

She walked over and showed me the amount on the piece of paper. It read one million. “Is that in euros or U.S. dollars?”

Both girls laughed. “It’s in euros; it would be a little over a million in US dollars,” Kelley said.

I pressed both hands to my mouth. “Are you serious?”

They both nodded and then they grabbed hands and started to jump around like schoolgirls. They quickly pulled me into the madness, and we all danced around together. I had never laughed so hard in my life.

“So this is a really good thing?” I asked.

“It’s a blessed good fortune is what it is,” Kelley said as she hugged me. “I think you’re our lucky charm, Hollie Craft…I mean, Hollie Payton! Since ya walked through that door, Benny has had nothing but good fortune.”

My cheeks heated. If she only knew. The last thing I could do was tell her why her brother was having such good fortune—if it truly was because of the spell.


The second I walked through the door, Hollie ran up and threw herself into me. I wrapped my arms around her and laughed. “I think I like this welcome from my beautiful wife.”

She drew back and I swore her eyes were lit up like the Fourth of July. “You’re never going to believe what happened today!”

“Please don’t tell me someone offered to pay Benny for some dick pics.”

“What?” Hollie said, laughing. She shook her head. “No, no one asked him for any dick pics. I think you should sit down for this. Let me make you a drink!”

I watched as she rushed over to the kitchen and poured me a glass of champagne. Then she poured juice into another flute.

With a wide smile on her beautiful face, she made her way back over to me. “Thank you,” I said as I took the drink from her.

“Let’s sit down.” Hollie pointed to the sofa.

After we sat down, she lifted her drink and I followed suit.

“To Benny getting an offer today that he couldn’t refuse.”

One of my brows rose. “What kind of offer?”

She nearly bounced off the sofa. “This well-dressed guy came into the bar who’s about the same age as Benny. He said he owned a top brewery in Ireland and that his father had brought him to O’Brien’s for his first beer when he was younger. It was such a great memory for him that he came back to visit a few weeks ago.”

I tilted my head as I thought about the guy who’d been sitting at the bar, seemingly a bit out of place in his designer suit. “I wonder if it’s the same guy I saw in the bar a few weeks back.”

Waving my comment off, Hollie went on. “Anyway, he has a new stout beer coming out and he wants to name it O’Brien’s Stout, and this is the best part!”

I waited as her grin grew bigger on her face, if that was at all possible. “What? What’s the best part?”

“He wants to put a picture of O’Brien’s on the label and do the launch party there and…”

I waited and motioned with my hands for her to spit it out.

Hollie brought her hand to her mouth then let it fall as she yelled out, “He’s paying him a million euros for the use of the pub’s name and photo!”

I blinked at Hollie for a few moments before I shook my head. “Did I hear you right? You said he’s paying Benny a million euros?”

“Yes!” she cried out. “Kelley said it will pay off all their debts and that Benny will have a nice little nest egg left over for both him and their mother.”

Placing her drink on the coffee table, Hollie took my hand in hers. “Lucas, it worked! The spell worked!”
