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“Long time, no see. How was your first meeting?”

Feeling my cheeks heat, I quickly looked at Tammy, then back to Lucas. “It went great.”

“Are you free for lunch?”

“Considering my next appointment is with your mother, I think so.”

Lucas laughed. “Call me when you’re done here. I’ll wait for you in the lobby.”

I gave him a nod and focused back on Tammy. She seemed amused.

“I take it you know Lucas?” she asked with a chuckle.

“Yes, he’s my boyfriend.”

Tammy motioned for me to follow her. “Let’s talk and walk.”

Following her, I saw her glance over her shoulder. “You’re the reason he’s been so happy lately.”

Okay, if I was embarrassed seconds ago, I was mortified now. Deciding it would be best to change the subject, I launched into the party details.

“I got your email that mentioned you approved the Whoville idea. I have a lot of the decorations at my warehouse, including the crooked trees that I thought would look really cute at the entrance.”

“Will you be attending the party?” Tammy asked as she grabbed her laptop, and we headed out of the meeting room and down the hall to her office.

“Me?” I asked.

“I’m assuming, since you’re dating Lucas, you’ll be coming to the party with him.”

“Oh,” I said with a nervous laugh. “His mother is throwing a bridal shower for her son and his fiancé the same night as the Whoville party. I believe we’re going to that.”

Tammy walked into her office and sat down behind her large walnut desk, motioning for me to sit in one of the two chairs on the other side of it. “Take a seat.”

Sitting, I pulled out my notebook and pencil before I looked back at her. “Did you have any last-minute requests that you’d like to make or any questions?”

Tammy leaned back in her chair and smiled. “No. I looked over the photos you sent me a few months ago once again, and I loved everything you did for the previous Grinch party. I like your idea of doing the table decorations with stacked presents, and your notion of using all recyclable dinnerware went over great as I told you before.”

“Great! And you found some volunteers that are willing to do the plasticware like the picture I sent?”

“Yep, it’s called my teenage daughter and her friends. They’re excited about the party, though, and are happy to help out.”

Smiling, I said, “That’s great! The company I hired for the balloons will take care of all the arches and the other balloon displays so you won’t have to worry about that. I’ll have the large recycle bins placed around the room so it will be easy for people to put their items in there. Were you still planning on doing the secret Santa?”

“Yes. And I think the idea of using the Christmas tree already up in that room is a great idea. I’m not sure if you walked over and saw that they decorated it like the picture you sent.”

“I hadn’t had a chance to go see, but that’s great. So, no changes? We’re a go for all the plans?”

Tammy smiled. “No changes. And thank you for recommending the catering company. They’ve been amazing so far, and I think their food will be heavenly based on the samples I’ve tried.”

“Wonderful!” I said with a wide smile as I put my notebook up. “If you don’t have any concerns, then I think we are finished. Mindy, one of my assistants, will be here the morning of the party to make sure everything is set up the right way. You’ve requested she stay the entire party, and she has confirmed she will be able to. She knows how to get in touch with me should a problem arise.”

We both stood. Reaching her hand across her desk, Tammy said, “Thank you, Hollie. You really are the party-planning queen.”

Letting out a small laugh, I replied, “I try!”

“Enjoy your lunch with Lucas.”

“Thank you!”
