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“Yeah.” His voice turned low and gravelly as he gripped my hip, lifting me and slammed home.

Ford told the truth: I needed to hold on.

I clutched his arm like a lifeline as he railed me, pausing to lick sweat from my shoulders or bite the tender spot at the join of my neck gently. Every breath that left me came out as a mewl, our melded noises animalistic and wild and wanton.

My body tightened as his thrusts grew rougher, his weight pressing me into the bedding.

“Come for me, Nisha. I want to feel your pretty little pussy flutter around my cock.”

I whimpered, his dirty talk ripping pleasure through me. Releasing my cry into the pillow, I arched, chasing the roiling sensations as he pummelled his hips into me, burying himself deep and came with his own roar against my skin.

“So beautiful.” Ford sank over me, his breath coming hard against my back. “Am I hurting you?” He reached between us, removing the condom and tying it off with a talented hand.

“Nope. Don’t move, ‘kay?” I murmured, tucking his arm beneath my cheek and breathing in the scent of us together.

“Christmas morning, Nisha. I’ll never forget the taste of you.”

My heart exploded and crashed all at once.


Some time later whenFord’s breaths evened and deepened, my brain decided it was time to leave. I pulled the sheet back one-handed, wiggling slowly to extract myself from God's embrace. Not an easy thing, when I didn’t actually want to go. I didn’t care right then that we had a limited amount of time between us\. I wanted to stay curled up in his arms and pretend everything was perfect.

“Don’t leave, beautiful,” he murmured, turning over and taking me along with him. His long, calloused fingers wrapped around my ankle, tugging me back to the embrace I welcomed far too readily.

Despite him foiling my plan to do exactly what he predicted, I giggled, shying away the logical part of my brain that muttered curses at my heart. “You are impossible.”

“And you’re sexy as all hell, Neesh. Come back. I want to sleep with you.”

“You just did,” I said softly, picking at his fingers that refused to release my ankle, wiggling my shoulders in the hold of his other arm.

“Nu-uh.” He pulled sharply, drawing me across the bed.

I was still laughing and not really fighting when both inked arms wrapped around me, trapping my back to his chest, the now-familiar thump of his heart beating in time with mine, a rhythm to which I dozed.

“You’re not running away from me tomorrow either, okay, elf girl? I’ve got plans.”

“They better not include a flight to Australia.” I yawned. “Because a hot Christmas and I do not go together.”

“Nope. Something better.” The pure joy in his voice rocked me.

“What?”Am I getting a matching Pickles tattoo?

The smile in his voice was evident, he trailed his hands along my back, tucking me into his side like a missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle that was him.

“You’ll see.”


The tables turned asFord dragged me across the road out the front of the Plaza on Christmas Eve. He plied me with hot chocolate and warm cookies, proclaiming it the most effective breakfast for a day out while I looked on suspiciously, but still chewed my cookie. I mean, warm Snickerdoodles were too good to give up.

“What have you got planned?” My suspicions grew as he stopped out the front of the Rockefeller Centre. The line that should be around the block was conspicuously absent. “What have you done, Ford?” I planted a hand on my hip, popping it out cause I knew he loved my sass, even if he cussed me for it.

Not that I wasn't dressed for the occasion, wearing the thick tights, boots, long sleeved top with jacket and matching mittens he had delivered with our breakfast, shooing me into the bathroom to change while he took time to check on Pickles. Weirdly, I missed the large alpaca that until yesterday seemed to be glued to Ford’s side.

“Just wanted to say thank you for putting up with me for the last few days. I’m a bit of a diva and all, you know,” he said absently, towing me inside and speaking quietly to the attendant who blinked at him and closed the door behind us.

I stared at the empty rink, completely devoid of people on the busiest day of their year, my voice on repeat. “What did youdo?” I asked in a hushed voice.
