Page 79 of In Plain Sight

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Gary was having a hard time believing it himself.

“Maybe he did love her,” Dan murmured. Gary glanced at him, and Dan shrugged. “And if he did, there’s no way he could have done that to her.”

Gary was inclined to agree. “But he didn’t tell us the truth. We need to know what else he might be hiding.”

“If I touch his hand, I’ll know.” Dan stared through the windshield. “I’d rather he told us, instead of having to resort to my gift, but that’s the only way we’ll be sure that he’s leveled with us.” His chin dropped to his chest. “I can’t believe he killed her.”

Gary took a left onto the long, winding driveway. “We’ll have more answers soon enough.”

As they pulled up in front of the portico, the door opened.

“Oh God,” Gary muttered.

Mrs. Cain stood there, her eyes like flint.

“I told him there was no need for her to come too, not when they have all the family staying with them,” Gary muttered.

“Maybe she insisted again,” Dan suggested. “All I know is, I’m going to feel awkward as hell bringing up his infidelity with her under the same roof.”

Gary switched off the engine, and they got out of the car. Mrs. Cain’s lips were a thin line as they approached. She didn’t move, and they were forced to come to a halt in front of her.

Lord, she looked pissed.

“My husband is waiting for you in his office,” she said tersely. “And I don’t care how important this visit is. As far as I’m concerned? This is starting to feel like harassment.” She pointed up the staircase to the left. “I believe you know the way.”

And with that, she left them standing in the hallway and walked stiffly toward the kitchen.

They climbed the stairs, the strains of classical piano music growing louder as they reached the top step. Gary paused at the door.

“It doesn’t matter that he’s a senator,” Dan said in a low voice. “That doesn’t put him above the law.”

“We don’t know if he evenbrokethe law,” Gary remonstrated.

They were about to find out.

Senator Cain sat at his desk, writing. He glanced up as they entered, and reached over to hit a button on the music system, plunging the room into silence. He stared at them, his forehead creased.

“Another visit, gentlemen. I really don’t appreciate being asked to break my vacation yet again to meet with you.” His frown deepened. “The only reason I agreed to do so is because you made it sound almost… urgent. And also in the hope that this would be the last of such visits.” He closed his notebook. “Although I don’t see what more help I can be to you. I’ve already told you everything I know.” He grabbed a small jar and opened it, and a faintly medicinal smell filled the air. He rubbed white cream into his palms.

Gary couldn’t help but notice the senator didn’t offer them a seat.

He walked over to the desk and stood in front of it, his back straight. “There was something you forgot to tell us when we were last here, Senator.”

Dan joined him, reaching into the leather bag slung over his shoulder.

The senator arched his eyebrows. “Really? And what was that?” He put the lid back on the jar.

Gary looked him in the eye. “You left out the fact you were having an affair with Cheryl Somers.”

Senator Cain blinked. Blinked again. “What are you talking about?”

Dan held up the photo of them in bed. “Thisisyou, isn’t it?”

The senator stared at it, his mouth opening and closing. Then he sat straight in his chair, his chin held high. “No, it isn’t. And frankly, I’m shocked you could even think such a thing.”

Dan took a step closer. “Look again, Senator. Because that’s definitely your ring in this photo.” He pointed to the senator’s right hand. “Thatring. The same one you’re wearing in your portraits.” His breathing caught. “Did you care so little for her that you feel comfortable lying about what you shared?”

Silence fell, broken only by the creak of a floorboard beyond the office door.
