Page 11 of Sweet Pucker

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Tyra and I have a mutually beneficial arrangement. I am her stand-in boyfriend for media purposes. Tyra's agent begged her to stay in the closet and find a boyfriend for on-camera only. She's a media darling and the reigning queen of romantic comedies and dramas. Hollywood is still too old-fashioned when it comes to on-screen romance. Having a lesbian play a straight woman in a romcom isn't as appealing as having a heterosexual on camera. It's completely ridiculous, but according to her agent, her currency has climbed since dating me, effectively quashing rumours of her involvement with another woman.

Being a single superstar hockey player isn't exactly easy either, especially in Los Angeles. It's a city of temptations and fast lifestyles. Women throw themselves at hockey players here like I've never seen outside of Canada. There are hundreds of women dressed to the nines or barely dressed at all with expensive tastes, fake smiles, and fake tits who love to pick up players who bring home fat paycheques.

I'm not interested in any of them. I've never been.

There's a reason my teammates nicknamed me "Monk" when I was traded to the Rebels, and it still pisses me off. Just because I don't want to fuck around doesn't make me any less of a man. My mother raised me to respect women and I'm not interested in anyone who doesn't respect themselves. That's not to say women can't do whoever and whatever makes them happy. I'm not one of those idiots who believe in "loose vagina" syndrome—seriously, some guys have no idea how elasticity works. The vagina is a magical creation, if there ever was one. The point is that gold diggers and women who see professional athletes as a payday and an easy ticket to fame are a huge turn-off.

The thing is, I've never stopped loving Em. I'm pretty sure I never will, and I can't bring myself to have sex with another woman, knowing I don't care about her like I do Em. It doesn't feel right. I would be lying to myself, and them. I tried dating, but every time I took a woman out, it felt like cheating. My heart wasn't in it and I knew I was on the road to nowhere fast.

The arrangement Tyra and I have works perfectly for both of us.

"Speaking of which, how do you want to handle the breakup? Shall we stage an argument and an all-out brawl? Give everyone their money's worth?" Tyra shoots me a smile, zipping up a suitcase. She looks like an evil genius plotting plotty things in her eyes.

"You're the actor, not me." I laugh, throwing a few more things in my bag.

"True, but it might be fun. Randy says we should put out a statement."

Randy is Tyra's agent. He's an ass and pretends to care about Tyra, always insisting he's looking out for her best interests. But what kind of dick tells someone to hide their sexuality to get more movie roles? He's a douche canoe if there ever was one.

"What kind of statement?"

"Nothing crazy," Tyra says. "We will not pull a Gwyneth Paltrow and tell everyone we're 'consciously uncoupling.' I was thinking more along the lines of just telling everyone we've decided to call it quits—that we remain close friends, but the romance isn't there anymore. We're better friends than lovers."

"Okay. What do I have to do?"

"Nothing. Randy will take care of it but prefers we nix this plan and keep up the charade."

"No, that's not going to work for me." I shrug. "And I don't think it will work for you anymore, Tyra. One of these days, you'll meet someone worth fighting for, and it will be a game changer."

She looks at me skeptically. "It hasn't happened yet, but maybe one of your Canadian girls will catch my eye."

I smile at Tyra before stepping up to her and giving her a tight hug. She excels at hugging and won't let anyone get away with half-assed hugs, all limp arms and awkward pats on the back.

"All right, hot stuff, do you want a lift to the airport?"


By the time I arrive at the Northmen's practice rink, I feel like shit. I'm jet-legged and crashing in a hotel in downtown Toronto. I'm not sure where the hell I'm going live yet. I've barely started to look at listings and haven't even called a realtor.

My first game with the Northmen is tomorrow night, and we have practice in a couple of hours. I'm here early to check in with Coach McCall and management for our first meeting.

"Mr. Gunner," Coach McCall approaches me from down the hallway. He takes my hand, giving it a firm shake, before leading me into his office. I'm surprised to see Luke Valentine there too.

Luke and I are familiar because we're league veterans and were teammates on Team Canada. We've also played together at All-Star games and charity events. He's a good guy. I was surprised to hear about his engagement to Em's best friend, Holly. Their relationship made headlines just before Christmas.

"Ryan, good to see you, man." Luke smiles. "Welcome to Toronto. We're excited to have you on the team."

"I'm looking forward to getting on the ice," I say, shaking Luke's hand back. "Congratulations on your engagement. Holly's a good woman. I'm glad she's happy. She deserves it."

A look of surprise passes over Luke's face. I guess Em and Holly haven't mentioned me.

"You know Holly?"

"Same hometown. Holly is like a little sister to me. Ollie and Ozzy Decker and I were best friends as kids. We were all close."

"Excellent," Coach McCall joins in. "You must know Ms. Avery too. They're working miracles with our team and the community."

"I know Ms. Avery. We grew up together and were friends once upon a time. I'm looking forward to renewing our friendship."
