Page 87 of Sweet Pucker

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"What do you mean?"

"It's up to you, Lily. There's no pressure. But Avery and I have been talking with the team about a project," Holly explains. "We want to hire a nutritionist and a personal chef to work with the team, to do meal prep, and cook during home and away games all season."

"We want to showcase healthy eating habits and player nutrition and share the recipes the team uses with fans," I join in. "We also contacted the local school board and arranged to have players, along with the chef and nutritionist, to go into schools and teach kids about healthy eating. We figure more kids will be willing to participate in healthy eating programs if the players they idolize are doing it too. It's equal parts healthy eating and education."

"That's such a good idea!" Lily beams, eyes glittering with excitement. "It's no wonder the team pays you two top dollar. Your ideas are both innovative and smart. You'll keep the team healthy and fed while connecting them with the fanbase through food!"

"That's the general idea, yes," I grin.

"We've hired the nutritionist already. He's a young graduate from Queens named Samual McCrae. He's smart, open to new ideas and suggestions and a huge sports fan. He specializes in nutrition for athletes," Holly says.

"And he's certainly not hard on the eyes," I laugh. Sam is strikingly good-looking, with grey eyes and wavy red hair. If he had a Scottish accent he'd look like he walked off the set of Outlander.

"All we need," Holly turns to Lily, looking her right in the eyes, "is a chef."

Lily goes silent, looking from Holly to me, mouth agog.

"You're joking."

"Not in the slightest," I grin.

"You're not joking?" Holly and I shake our heads. "You're not joking!? Oh my god! Yes! Yes! Yes! I can't believe this! This is unbelievable!"

Lily jumps up and shoots across our lounger chairs, alternating between hugging and kissing us while laughing.

"Wait," she stops suddenly, pulling away. "Isn't this considered nepotism or something?"

"It's not a gimme," Holly explains. "When we get back, during training camp, we will have three chefs come in for a trial. You and two other chefs will cook for the team. There will be a blind taste test, and the best chef will get the position."

"But we've both tasted your food Lily, and you've got this in the bag."

"Damn right I do," Lily screams, jumping up and down. Between her cheering and her bikini-clad breasts bouncing up and down, the three of us start to draw attention.

"What's happening?" Riley saunters over, carrying another round of drinks. Holly's right. She does look like a Disney princess. With her green mermaid bikini, all she needs is a talking crab and a fork to brush her hair. "Why is Lily losing her shit?"

"Because these two are the best bitches in the world! I'm so glad you're going to be my sister! Luke doesn't deserve you," Lily all but sings. "And Ryan's cute too, Avery. You two are the perfect couple."

We all cheers with our freshly made drinks and laugh. The rest of the afternoon is spent celebrating and sunning by the pool while the boys play golf. By the time evening rolls around, I am ready for dinner and dancing.

I put on a sexy, beachy dress. It's white with purple, blue, and green water colour hibiscus flowers. It has a tie-up halter and ends just above the knee, showing off my tanned arms and assets to perfection. I'm shameless about showing off my legs because I know it drives Ryan crazy.

Holly helped me pick out this dress. We went shopping specifically for this trip, and she insisted I needed the perfect vacation dress. When I tried on this one, I knew it was just the right dress to make Ryan's jaw drop.

It was weird, though. Holly went all teary-eyed when I came out of the dressing room, practically screaming at me that this wasmydress.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yes. I'm fine. I'm just overwhelmed with everything. Last month, you almost died, and we lost the Cup. I'm just being emotional and silly. Maybe my hormones are out of whack."

"Oh my god, Holly! Are you pregnant?" I hissed in the fitting room, drawing some curious eyes our way. I glared at Holly's midsection suspiciously.

"What?! No!"

After confirming Holly and Luke are not having a shotgun wedding this summer, I bought the dress, and we laughed it off. Looking at myself in the mirror now, I can see why Holly was emotional. I look stunning, and it's not just the dress. It's everything. I'm veritably glowing, and it's because I'm happy and in love. It's because of Ryan.

The scar underneath my collarbone stands out in the mirror. It's small and puckered, but I actually don't mind it, and Ryan loves kissing it every night.

A beep sounds at my door, and I skip out of the bathroom to greet Ryan. He's taking me out for a romantic dinner and a walk on the beach. It's the perfect night for it. The sun is out, though low in the sky. We're into the longest days of summer, and I want to soak up every moment I have with him in this paradise.
