Page 22 of Wild Pucker

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"Lily!" Riley shrieks, smacking my arm.

"What? You would! It's not like it's not true."

Ozzy chuckles as we bicker and tells Riley he'll meet her on the dock in an hour.

"You're terrible."

"I know, but you love me." Riley rolls her eyes but doesn't disagree. "Plus, I need someone to take the attention off Chase and me. So, if you could do something scandalous with Ozzy, that would be great."

"Have you seen Chase this morning?"

"No, and I haven't seen my brother either. Hopefully, they haven't killed each other."

"What about Sam?"

"No," I groan. "And I have no idea what I'm going to do. Apparently, all of Cassidy Tippett's gossip-mongering followers think I should drop Chase and, I quote, 'hook up with the Highlander.'"

I pull up the article on my phone and let Riley read it. When we get to the comments, I'm surprised to see even more people have posted. There are over a thousand comments ranging from people cheering me on, to women who are still devastated that Holly's taken my brother off the market to your garden variety internet trolls.

Somehow the article has pictures now too, which should be impossible because Luke and Holly asked everyone not to post anything on social media while at the wedding. There's a rat in our midst. I stare at a picture of Chase and me kissing and blush. That kiss was so incredible that I want to print this picture and have it framed. I'd put it on my bedside table and look at it every night before falling asleep.

I'm surprised how many images Cassidy Tippett was able to acquire. And considering Cassidy, Avery, and Holly have some Regina-George-type history, I'm shocked she was able to infiltrate a family event. They were high school frenemies, but I don't think Cassidy has any connections to the wedding. Maybe she's just that good at ferreting out details. There are even pictures of Luke and Holly's first dance and my almost kiss with Sam. At the bottom of the article, she's added an online poll, "Wilder or Highlander: Who Should Be Lily's Lover?"

The votes are split about sixty-forty in favour of Sam.

Riley and I start to scroll through comments.

PrincessUnicorn111: Go for the Jamie Fraser lookalike and let him whisper sweet nothings into your ear all night. #JamieFraserLookAlike #Outlander

Northwoman1967: Chase Wilder all the way, Ms. Valentine! He's too hot to pass up! #Wilderforthewin

LuckysGurl6969: Boo! Sparks and Valentine will be divorced within a year, and Lucky will be back banging bunnies. #CallMe #IHadHimFirst

Toronto416: Lily isn't that hot. Why are all these guys even interested in her? Must be nice to have a famous brother to get you a job and a boyfriend. #nepobaby #keepingitinthefamily

HaggisMan17: Go for the Scot! Real men wear kilts, and we've got huge…

I stop reading. Some of the comments are just too mean. Both Holly and Avery went through this when their relationships went public. It's one of the downsides to dating hockey players. There are shitloads of miserable, judgemental people who want to bring you down and throw hate.

"What a bunch of bitches," Riley curses, grabbing my phone and typing like a mad woman. When she hands it back, I choke out a laugh. Riley's screen name kills me.

WintersIsComing: Fuck you, bitches! Lily is hot AF. I'd do her in a heartbeat if I was into women. You're all just jealous she has not one but two hotties chasing after her. Get a life, you trolls. #BeMineLilyValentine #LukesHotSister #SexyChef

"Very subtle, Ms. Winters. Do you teach your students how to clapback too?"

"Ha! The shit that comes out of my students' mouths is ten times worse than anything I say. Plus, no one knows it's me posting. Winters is a common enough last name."

Riley and I continue eating while more guests crawl into the dining room for food and coffee. I think more than a few people are sporting hangovers, but there's still no sign of Luke, Chase, or Sam. To be honest, I'm glad for the reprieve. I'm not sure I can face any of them right now, mostly because I don't know what to do.

Chase will probably pretend the kiss never happened, just like he did in December, and Sam will likely flirt with me incessantly until I agree to date him.

I'm so confused.

This is such a hot mess.

"Have I mentioned what a terrible idea this was?" I shoot at Riley while slouching in my chair with a sigh.

"Are you kidding me? Bringing Sam was an amazing idea! I've never been more entertained in my life."
