Page 30 of Wild Pucker

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I huff out a breath and clamp down on his finger. He strokes me once and then twice before adding a second finger. He places teasing kisses close to where I want him most until finally Chase spreads me wide and gives me one long, luxurious lick. My eyes roll back into my head, and I have to force my legs to not clamp down on his neck and risk strangling him.

He pushes my legs farther apart, holding me at his mercy with his tongue. I can barely breathe as sensation after sensation hits me in a deluge. It's too much and not enough. It's delicious and dirty, and I can't get enough.

"Oh my god," I moan, squirming, but Chase grabs my pelvis and ass and pulls me closer. "Oh my fucking god." Chase chuckles, and the vibrations of it on my clit drive me wild. I've been missing out. How do people not do this every day? What am I saying? People probably do, do this every day.

"Come for me, Lily," Chase purrs, stroking me with his clever tongue.

Before I can take another breath, that distant but familiar feeling starts to build at the base of my spine, low in my abdomen. It coils tighter and tighter like an elastic band being wound up until it threatens to break. And then, I do. The orgasm bursts through me like a damn breaking, my hips raise off the cushions, pushing harder into Chase's face. Shock waves radiate outward, pulsating through every delicious inch of my body.

When I finally come back down to earth, lax and satisfied, Chase looks supremely smug, but he doesn't brag. He smiles at me, tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear and says, "That was the most beautiful, sexy thing I've ever fucking seen."

I laugh. I laugh because I'm happy and satisfied and just genuinely glad to be alive, here with Chase at this moment. But then I remember he hasn't been satisfied. He didn't—

"What about you?" I ask, sitting up and putting my bra and tee back on. I look around for my underwear, notice them on my desk, and quickly grab and slip them on. "Tell me what you like. Derrick never let me… you know." I motion to the erection he's clearly sporting. He has a pretty significant bulge showing through his jeans.

"The more you tell me about Derrick, the less I like him. I never liked that guy." Chase says, lips thin. "We can worry about me another day. This time was all about you."

He stands, pulling me with him and kisses me. A bolt of shock sizzles through me when I taste myself on his lips. I don't know why that turns me on, but it does.

"But I want to," I protest, trying to pull him back to the couch, but Chase refuses to budge.

"If I take off my pants, Lily, I'm going to fuck you over your desk, and you deserve better than that."

The idea doesn't sound bad to me. Maybe a little uncomfortable, but after the encounter we just enjoyed on the loveseat, I wouldn't object to more. I'd bet my left tit that sex with Chase will be amazing. Mind-blowingly amazing. Maybe even life-altering.

But Chase doesn't change his mind. He kisses me one last time and then leaves my office, which I suppose is a good thing because I'll get exactly zero work done with him here.

Sighing, I turn back to my computer and organize the team's weekly meal plans. About twenty minutes later, my phone pings. Expecting a text from Chase, I grin. But my heart sinks when I read it. It's a group text between Holly, Avery, Chase, Sam and me.

Holly: Hey, Lovebirds, it's go time. We are ready to kick off the season and the BWB (Blue & White Bachelorette). All the paperwork is complete. Thanks for signing off on everything. Our first date is scheduled for Thursday. Sam will go first since the team is away in Ottawa for a preseason game.

Avery: Sam, if you can come to the SASS offices tomorrow, we will plan everything together. As mentioned, due to sponsorships, we must check some boxes when creating the date agenda.

Holly: Lily, we have a stylist coming to SASS on Tuesday to prep you. Free clothes and makeup! Yay! Please be here at 2pm, after you're done with the team's lunch, so we can have you outfitted.

Sam: Sounds like a plan. I can't wait to see you, Lily. I know no matter what you wear, you'll be stunning, like always ;)

The texts keep coming, and I force myself to read them.

Chase hasn't responded.

How can I go through with this? Anxiety cramps my stomach as I stare at the spot where Chase and I just did deliciously naughty things. Then I think of Sam and guilt immediately floods my system.

What the fuck am I doing?

It's too late to back out now, but I can't help but feel like this will end very badly. I just hope it doesn't end with me heartbroken.


The next few days go by in a blur of meal prep and nutrition seminars with the team. Every training camp invitee is getting schooled on how to fuel their bodies. Sam and I work seamlessly together. The rookies know surprisingly little about nutrition beyond the basics, but Sam is patient and kind with them. He explains everything from portioning to calorie deficits and surpluses, what foods to eat for building muscle mass and calculating micro and macronutrients. Some rookies are so young they look like bean poles compared to veterans like Luke and Chase. If they want to cut it in the big league, they'll need to change their diets to support their body's growth and their careers.

Sam is an absolute professional and never brings up our upcoming date, even though it's looming ahead. Neither he, Holly, nor Avery will tell me what we're doing, but I hope my meeting with the stylist will give me some hints. They wouldn't outfit me in a cocktail dress if we're rock climbing. Fuck, I hope we're not going rock climbing. I hate it. I don't have the upper or lower body strength for that shit. Coming from a hockey family, I'm athletic and enjoy working out regularly. But ask me to do a pull-up, and I'll just hang there like a cat clinging to dear life.

As I walk into the SASS offices, I admire all the work Holly and Avery have done since taking over JP Lighthouse. They've downsized and expanded simultaneously. Instead of working with more athletes, SASS works almost exclusively with hockey players. In some cases, they'll take on a client outside of the sport as a favour. Last spring, they worked with Tyra Price after she came out as gay and her agent went off the rails. They might still be working with Tyra in a smaller capacity, but mostly because we're all friends and Holly's sister, Taylor, is dating Tyra.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Toronto's most eligible bachelorette," a cheery voice teases from behind SASS's reception desk. Spenser Patton is the office gatekeeper and one of the best-dressed, best-looking men I've ever seen. He's fit, fabulous, and flamboyantly gay, much to the dismay of the female population.

"Hi, Spenser.” I smile, but it doesn't quite reach my eyes. This whole situation is wearing on me. "I'm here to see the stylist."
