Page 40 of Wild Pucker

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What does Ms. Valentine think of all this, you might ask? Let's just say she was less than impressed and returned to her seat solo.

One can only hope Wilder's first BWB date doesn't include any more of his past paramours, young or old.

I've never considered myself a violent person—until last night.

I also never thought I would agree with Cassidy Tippett, but her words ring true: Anna Munro is a cougar and borderline child abuser. And I wanted to goat-punch her in the throat.

I don't know what Chase was thinking. Actually I can imagine what he was thinking. He was a horny sixteen-year-old boy, away from home for the first time, who was offered free sex. Of course, he jumped on the opportunity. What guy wouldn't?

But it doesn't make it hurt any less. Chase isn't that boy anymore. At least, I don't think he is. Anna Munro doesn't knowmyChase.

She knows him in ways you don't,the bitch in my head mocks me, and I do my best to shut her voice out.

"You did like it rough, if I recall correctly.”Anna's words echo in my mind. Perhaps she knows Chase in a physical way better than I do, but just because I haven't slept with him yet doesn't mean our connection isn't stronger than anything he's experienced in the past.

And what exactly did she mean? I don't want to know what they got up to, but a part of me is curious. How rough is rough? I already know Chase likes control, and I'm into that. Just thinking about how he owned my body and took charge of my pleasure makes my skin sing. The obvious course of action would be to ask him, but there's no way I can do that in front of the cameras, and it's not something you ask over text.

Chase is picking me up in an hour and Chantel will be here any minute, along with Avery, who's filming tonight. Riley's at school, and I'm biding my time by buzzing around the apartment, cleaning in a silk robe and flip-flops. I'm a nervous cleaner. It's a disease that Riley loves because our apartment is always spotless.

A knock sounds at the door, and before I know it, I'm plucked, pampered and ready to be paraded in front of the camera. Chantel dresses me in a nice pair of stretchy, dark jeans and a white long-sleeve top with a mauve floral print. It's comfy and casual, which is my preference, but it doesn't give me any clues about what Chase has planned for us. Avery reviews the filming protocols again—pretend she's not there—and then reminds me to allow the sponsors to say their bit. I listen, but I'm a million miles away.

I'm nervous and I shouldn't be.This is Chase. I've known him forever, but this is our first actual date, and I've wanted this for so long that I don't know what to do with myself now that it's here.

"Beautiful," a masculine voice interrupts my thoughts. The object of my desire walks into my apartment grinning, making those damned dimples pop and my heart melt. I can't stop myself from smiling back. "Ready to go?"

"Only if you tell me where we're going," I say.

"You'll see."

Chase leans in and kisses me lightly. It's just a brush of our lips and does nothing to satisfy me. I definitely wouldn't mind dragging him away to my bedroom and finding out precisely what he likes.

Chase fidgets uneasily in his seat as the hired car cruises through the city streets. Is he nervous? I've never seen him be anything other than confident, calm, and full of swagger. I glance outside the window to try and glean where we're headed. We're driving into the heart of downtown, which doesn't tell me much because that's where most of Toronto's best attractions are. Finally, the driver stops near the Northmen's arena and lets us out.

"What are we doing here?" I ask, confused.

"We're not going to the rink," Chase answers, taking my hand. His entire body is tense. I can feel his anxiousness everywhere. All his muscles are taut, strung like a bow ready for release. It isn't until we turn the corner and I look up that I realize where he's leading me.

"The CN Tower? I thought you hated heights. Why would you bring me here?"

"We're doing the Edge Walk together."

I look at Chase incredulously. He attempts to smile, but it's strained and looks like he's just swallowed a dirty sock. My gaze travels upwards. The tower stretches up so high it seems like it's swaying and makes me dizzy. I don't understand. Chase despises heights. He wouldn't even go on the kiddy rollercoaster when Mom and Dad took us all to Canada's Wonderland as kids. I'm amazed he's even able to get on planes and travel with the team.

"Why?" I ask again.

"Because you're worth it," Chase says, his voice regaining some of its confidence. "Because I'm willing to do anything for you, including facing one of my biggest fears. I can do anything as long as it's with you."

His words stop me in my tracks. My throat gets tight and my chest feels like it's expanding outwards. I blink back the moisture in my eyes and beam at Chase. No one has ever done anything like this for me. I can't stop when I throw my arms around his neck and squeeze him tight.

"You're suave, Mr. Wilder," I tell him, trying to play it cool to disguise what must be a look of complete adoration on my face. "You definitely know how to impress a lady." I shoot a look at Avery. She's probably having mini orgasms at the clickbait he just provided. If I was a stranger watching this, I'd have already fallen in love with Chase, just a little bit, at his words. And, if I'm honest with myself, I think I just did.

The journey up to the top of The CN Tower for our Edge Walk takes about an hour. It's full of safety instructions, waivers, and more safety instructions. Chase looks slightly ill as the instructor explains how everything works. We are given red and yellow suits akin to a prison onesie, with various cables and cords. Basically, we'll be double strapped to the side of one of the tallest buildings in the world. If the first cable fails, the second locks into place, and unless you weigh fifteen hundred pounds, you're not going anywhere.

Usually, the instructors take up six people at a time, but because we are special, it's just Chase, me, and Avery— but she doesn't really count. She's suited up, but she's not actually participating.

I grab his hand and squeeze as the elevator takes us up to the top deck where we will hook onto a track above a small, five-foot platform and walk along Toronto's highest edge to get the best view of the city and Lake Ontario that money can buy.

"You ready for this?" I ask with a grin. Chase looks sick, but he's putting on a brave face for me. "You've got this in the bag, Wilder."
