Page 54 of Wild Pucker

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"Maybe. Depends on if you tell me what you were thinking and how dirty it was." I glance around the hotel room, double-checking I'm alone. You can never be too careful when you're rooming buddy is your girlfriend's big brother. Luke's still not back from the hotel hot tub and sauna. I think that's his code for when he FaceTimes Holly for some long-distance loving. Road-tripping stripping.

"It's your lucky day," Lily grins, biting her lip.Fuck.When she does that, it makes me immediately hard. "Because I was thinking of all the ways we could have fun trying different methods of touch. But mostly, I want you to indulge me with something first."

"I'm listening," I say into the phone, interested in what she has in mind.

"Well, I couldn't help but notice you have sturdy bedposts, and those silk scarves could come in handy. And I know you know this, but in the past, anything but the missionary position was frowned upon, so I was thinking…”

"You were thinking," I coax her, "use your big girl words, Lily."

"That I would be open to being restrained while your wicked mouth had its wicked way with me." Fuck me. This woman. The thought of Lily tied up, legs spread wide for me like a buffet, makes my dick so hard it hurts.

"That can be arranged." Lily smiles and licks her lips, shifting her body. I try to discern where she is by looking at the things around her, but FaceTime doesn't lend itself to seeing much more than faces. She shifts again, and I know she's enjoying this. "Lily? Are you wet right now?" She bites her lip and nods, squirming. "Are you alone?"

"Yes," she whispers like she's embarrassed and blushing like mad. The way her cheeks redden, like she thinks she's doing something naughty, makes me chuckle.

"I always knew I'd end up corrupting you, Lily."

"Maybe I want to be corrupted. I don't want to be a good girl anymore." She pauses for a moment like she's thinking of all the things she'd like to try, and my mind races with suggestions. "But only with you. I only want to be corrupted by you."

"Good." My voice comes out gruff and possessive, and I couldn't care less. Every part of my being, my soul, is screaming,mine, mine, mine."Let me see you. What are you wearing?"

She pauses, eyes widening a little.

"Can I call you back?" she blurts out.

"Why? What's wrong?" She looks panicked.

"Nothing. I, ah, I—" she scrambles, searching for words to fill the silence. "I need to change. I didn't think this through before I called you. I'm wearing the least sexy thing you can possibly imagine."

I try to keep my face neutral, but my lips start to twitch. I think my eye might begin to twitch, too, because she purses her lips at me.

"Show me," I grin.


"Be a good girl and show me. I think you're sexy in everything."

Sighing, she stands up from her bed and holds the phone away far enough that I can see her pyjamas. I bark out a laugh before I can help myself, and she scowls and moves out of my line of sight.

"Show me again!" I demand.

So she does. Lily's wearing an oversized t-shirt with two pugs dressed like the Disney Princesses fromFrozen. They're sitting between a snowman and written across the bottom in sparkly letters, it says, "I LIKE WARM PUGS!"

"Stop laughing," she yells into the phone, although her lips are twitching too. "I told you I didn't think this through! I was calling because I wanted to talk to you. I miss you. I wasn't calling to… you know. I've never done that before, and now I've made a hash of it."

"You miss me?" I ask, latching onto her words. I ignore the rest because it only serves to remind me how much of an idiot Derrick is and how much of a bigger idiot I am for not pursuing Lily sooner.

"Of course, I miss you, Chase. Aside from Riley, you're my best friend."

My heart does that strange squeeze-expand-contract thing again, and I smile wide into the phone.

"I miss you too." I think back to all the times Lily and I have talked on the phone, just like this, minus the sexual innuendos. Even when she was in Europe, we'd talk at least once a week despite the time difference. And no matter what, come hell or high water, I'd get my daily text. I don't know why I didn't realize it before, but she's become my favourite person, my best friend too. Just in a very different way than her brother. She's a best friend I want to kiss, whose skin I want to taste every inch of.

I swallow hard at the thought and she notices.

"What are you thinking about?" she asks coyly.

"I'm thinking about tasting every last inch of your skin with my tongue and then starting all over again."
