Page 79 of Wild Pucker

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"I heard that," Avery calls from somewhere near Ryan.

"Well, it was," April yells back. "As hot as Sam is, everyone knew this one was in love with Chase from day one."

"Who's hot?" Jake Owens asks as he walks over to his wife. They just had their second child last summer, and if I had to guess, Jake will probably retire this year or next.

"You. I could climb you like a tree right here, right now." April puts an exclamation mark on her words by jumping up on her husband, wrapping her legs around his waist and kissing him hard on the lips. "Time to go home. These pregnancy hormones keep me in a perpetual state of horniness."

"You're pregnant again?" Lily asks, curiously looking at April's belly. It's still flat, so I can't imagine she's that far along.

"God, I know. I feel like I'm always pregnant. But this is it. We're done. Jake is getting the snip this after this season."

"Congratulations, man," I say, patting Jake on the back while his wife tries to pull him away.

"Thanks." He smiles so big and proud that there's no doubt he's entirely too impressed with himself and his incredible ability to knock up his wife. When I turn back to Lily, my eyes drift down to her midriff of their own accord, and my mind can't help picturing a tiny bump there someday. I've never allowed myself to wonder if I ever wanted kids. My father failed so spectacularly at fatherhood that it's hard to imagine being one myself.

"Uh oh, you're thinking too hard," Lily says.

"Do you want one of those?" I ask.

"One of what?"

"A baby."

"Someday. Maybe." She smiles up at me. "But don't let my mom hear you mention anything even close to that word. She's already told me our kids will be her favourite grandkids."

"What?" a male and female voice exclaims in unison. Luke and Holly appear behind Lily, who looks skyward as if to say, Here we go.

"Nothing," Lily says. "I didn't say anything."

"Yes, you did. You said your kids will be Mom's favourite."

"Well, I mean, can you blame her? Look at us. Chase and I are going to make some really cute babies."

"Not as cute as mine and Holly's," Luke insists, and I'm starting to wonder if this is taking the whole sibling rivalry a little too far—talking about non-existent, future offspring that may or may not be the cutest.Clearly, our kids would be cuter.

"Who's preggers?" Avery asks, eyes immediately zeroing in on Lily like laser beams. "Did Chase already knock you up?"

"What? No." Lily says. "We're talking about whose hypothetical babies will be the cutest."

"Pfff, that's easy. Riley and Ozzy's kids will look like genetically modified cartoon babies," Avery states, effectively ending the debate. "Where is Riley anyway? I'm sure Ozzy is ready to follow her around like a lost puppy."

"She went home. She has school tomorrow."

As talk of scary, perfect babies takes over the room, somehow, the conversation shifts back to reality, and we all agree to go out for drinks at O’Donnell’s; the scene of the crime where Holly and Luke met. It also serves excellent wings, fries and beer, and is a team favourite for postgame fun.

The bar is crowded when we arrive, but Mickey, the bar owner, always saves us a few tables at the back near the old-style jukebox. Most of the guys came out tonight; even Sam and his new girlfriend, Sam, decided to join us. When I first saw her, I thought she looked familiar, and that's when I realized the pint-sized woman with the pixie cut was Boris Kashlinov's ex. The one he abused. I smile at her but don't mention that I recognize her. I doubt she wants to reopen old wounds. Plus, she looks healthy and happy, and as much as I hate to admit it, Sam is a good guy. They look good together.

"Mind if I join you?" a female voice asks, and I look up to see Payton Kane. A police detective and a member of what Holly calls "The Bitch Pack," which is basically just a group of women who sit around gossip and watch reality TV together. Over the last year, the group has grown close after several dramatic ups and downs.

"Payton." Lily shoots up and hugs her friend. "I haven't seen you in forever."

"Don't pretend like you didn't invite me," she rolls her eyes and then looks at me. "Good to see you again, Chase."

Payton sits down at the table with us and makes some small talk. It's clear that although Lily may not have seen her recently, the pair have been talking back and forth over the last few months, and like April Owens, Payton thought the entire Bachelorette debacle was bullshit.

"What was Holly and Avery thinking? We all knew you were in love with Chase," she says matter-of-factly. Apparently, I'm the only person on the planet that didn't know Lily had her heart set on me since we were kids. "I distinctly remember having a conversation during one of our soirées about you wanting to seduce Chase and Riley fucking the shit out of Ozzy." I do a spit-take, and beer starts trickling out my nose, making my eyes water. "Sorry big guy, did I offend your delicate sensibilities?" She pats my back as Lily looks on in horror.

"Payton!" Lily screeches, eyes wide. "What happened to girl code?"
