Page 102 of Knot For A Moment

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“It’s beautiful,” I told her. “Truly. I love it.”

“Would you want something similar in here? Or something different?”

I thought about it. “Adjacent.”

Her fingers flew on the tablet. “Okay, adjacent in what direction?”

“If that’s the sunset, then in here I’d love it to be dusk.”

“Ooooh, love that. So like darker blues and purples and stuff?”

Pulling my knees up to my chest, I rested my chin on them. “Yeah. Maybe the last touches of the deep reds.”

“God, this is going to be gorgeous. Now, tell me, do you want the space to be dark and cozy? I promise it won’t be stuffy or feel like you’re in a cave during the middle of the day.”

“That’s fine.”

“Any special requests? Like a hanging bed or anything?”

A laugh bubbled out of me. “A hanging bed?”

“We have them. They’re very popular. Kind of like sleeping in the middle of a marshmallow, but like… pack-sized.”

“That’s okay.” The mental image of getting railed while it moved made me laugh. Even if it was sturdy—which I was sure it was—Roman might be hesitant because of his height. “I wouldn’t say no to a normal sized swing though.”


She asked me more detailed questions about colors and finishes, and if there was anything furniture wise from my apartment I was attached to. There wasn’t.

“If I do anything you hate, we’ll fix it.”

I gave her a look. “Addie, you created my perfect nest from Ash’s vague recollection of my doodles. I can’t imagine you doing something Ihate.”


“Still, I appreciate you doing it at all.”

She grinned. “Are you kidding? This is my dream job. Anyway, unless you have anything else I can think of, that’s all I need. We’ll be back in the morning, and everything will be done by dinner.”

Slowly, I shook my head. “It never ceases to amaze me how quickly you can do this.”

“Practice and preparation,” she said. “We pay our people well, so they don’t fuck around. Get in, get it done, get out.”

Claire leaned over and whispered. “You don’t want to see her when her team is running behind. Not even Gabriel would mess with her.” She smiled sweetly at Addie, who glared back.

“I know where you sleep,” Addison said.

“I would hope so. Unless youdon’twant me between your legs tonight.”


I smothered a giggle with my hand. “Addison, you literally design people’s sex dens. I think it’s okay if your friends know you have sex.”

She sighed, dramatically flipping the cover over her tablet screen. “Fine. She’s lucky she’s pretty.”

“I say the same thing almost every day,” Claire whispered to me.

Addison was trying very hard not to smile. “You’re in so much trouble.”
