Page 131 of Knot For A Moment

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Gabriel kissed Sloane softly. “Go say goodbye.”

She did, hugging her friends.

“Harrison, I’d like guards around our house for the time being, since I assume they’re not going to hold him long.”

The other Alpha was already on his phone. “They’ll be there by the time Sloane gets home.”

“Thank you,” Jace said.

Ash looked at the three of us. “It’s not fair for me to ask this—”

Jace cut him off with an outstretched hand. “Yes, it is. I’m not going to be able to think straight unless I’m watching out the fucking windows, and she needs to be distracted. Do what you need to do, Ash. It won’t be the last time one of us needs her.”

Since Gabe and I wouldn’t even be there, I agreed. Firefly needed to be guided out of her head, and Ash was the person to do it tonight.

We waited until she’d said goodbye to all her friends and moved as one out of the club. We surrounded her on every side, security getting us out to our car. I wrapped her up and breathed her in, managing the first words since it all happened. They still stuck in my throat and burned. “See you soon, f-firefly.”

We watched her pull away, my hands curling into fists at the loss. Gabe’s hand came down on my shoulder. “Let’s get this the fuck over with.”




This waswrong wrong wrong.

I shouldn’t be driving away from any of my Alphas. They all needed to be here with me. Even though Gabriel had whispered in my ear that he would find me as soon as he came home, I still didn’t feel good. I whined, panic clawing up my throat. “Turn around,” I begged. “Please turn around.”

“No, baby girl.” Jace’s voice was gentle but firm. “They’ll be home soon. Promise.”

“It’s not right. It’s notright.”

Ash turned and pushed me down onto my back across the rear seat, his teeth at my throat. “Nothing’s changed, sweetheart. That asshole isn’t going to ruin your night. Jace is going to make sure we’re safe, and I’m going to pin you to the bed with my cock, just like I promised. And by the time you remember your own name again, all your Alphas will be home with you.”

Every thought in my head turned to sparkling dust.

Sometimes I hated the way the sound of an Alpha’s command could make me stop in my tracks. Not this time. This time I welcomed it and took it as a refuge. It shut up all the thoughts about how I should have known better, endangering my friends by putting them in the path of someone like Craig, and the fear that it would never end and I’d be looking over my shoulder for that maniacal grin for the rest of my life.

“That’s it,” Ash said, moving my legs apart to thrust between them though we were both still fully clothed. The little toy was still nestled in my panties, and it blazed to life, made even more powerful by the way his body thrust against mine.

Feral need rocked through me, driven by instinct and my Omega need for my Alphas to show me I was safe and protected. I wanted them. So muchmorethan them. They were my Alphas, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to wait anymore. Ceremony be damned. Why had we waited this long to begin with?

“Bite me,” I told him. “Bond with me.”

Ash only paused before a second before he kissed me, pressing me down into the seat, rocking his hips into me, fucking me without fucking me. Driving me to the edge and making me absolutely desperate.

“You want that?” He asked.


Another kiss. “Because of him?”

“Because you’remine.” If I could growl, I would have. “Why do we need to wait? I don’t need the dress or anything. You can just bite me.”

Ash kissed my neck, right beneath my jaw. Was that where he would do it? “We don’t need to wait, but we’re going to bond you together, sweetheart. All at once. Claim you. Make you ours. Whenever we’re all together and you’re ready.”

I was ready right the fuck now, but he was right. It needed to be all of them together.
