Page 15 of Knot For A Moment

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I’m on my way.

BEE ??

See you soon!

The early fall weather was lovely, in that strange space between seasons when it could still tip one way or the other. On days like this, though Petra and her Alphas didn’t live close, I would usually walk anyway and enjoy the fresh air and exercise. Today I needed to get there fast.

Lifting my hand in the air, I stepped off the curb right next to Asher’s bike and hailed a cab. I climbed into one and was off to Starling Tower before he came out of the building and found me standing there.

I waited in the lobby for someone to come get me. Since the incident, Petra’s pack was keeping security tight for their own peace of mind. Harrison smiled at me when the elevator opened. “Sorry about this.”

“I’d rather you guys feel safe in your home.”

“Me too,” he said softly.

The elevator lifted us all the way to the top, where the Atwood Pack’s four-story penthouse was. “Where’s Petra?”

“Upstairs,” he said. “You can go up.”


I slipped into the second elevator and went up to the top floor. The whole thing belonged to Petra, with the biggest bedroom in existence, her nest, and plenty of room for a kingdom’s worth of giant cat toys.

“No,” I heard Petra’s voice as I stepped out. “You can play with literally anything else right now, but you have to let the leggings go.”

A soft, playful growl followed.

Petra was on her knees in front of Stormy, the two playing tug of war with a pair of black leggings, and Stormy very much didn’t want to give them up.

“You should really buy her a pair.”

Glancing over, Petra smiled. “I know. It’s my own fault. I let her play with my leggings right after we got her, and now it’s her favorite thing.”

I wandered over to one of Petra’s giant beanbag chairs and fell into it, curling up in my best friend’s scent. She smelled like honey and cinnamon, which was one of the reasons I called her Bee.


The cat landed with apoofnext to me in the giant bag, nuzzling my arm before curling against my side like she was still a kitten and not a cat nearly the same size as me. “Hey, pretty girl,” I scratched her behind the ears. “Thank you for snuggling. I need it.”

She chuffed and pressed her head into my shoulder. Stormy always seemed to know when you needed a cuddle, and I loved that about her.

“What’s going on?” Petra asked. “This isn’t the vibe I was expecting. You’re always excited after the first day of a season.”

“It was fine. When’s the food getting here?” I dodged the question. “I’m starving.”

“Blake said it’ll be here in half an hour. Why are you changing the subject?”

Instead of answering her, I curled into Stormy, burying my face in her fur.

“And the question doesn’t disappear in Stormy’s fur.”

“Sure it does.”

Petra sighed, exasperated. “Lo.”

“Fine.” I sat up, careful not to jostle Stormy too much before sliding to the floor in front of the beanbag so I could lean on it. “First, I need to apologize.”

She frowned, sitting down against the other beanbag. “Why?”
