Page 175 of Knot For A Moment

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Rage filled his eyes like poison. “None of you will ever work at another company again.” The door banged on the wall again as he left.

“No,” Claire said, “I’m pretty sure that’s just you, Ian.”

More laughter.

“I’m sorry,” Gabriel said. “That was—”

“Can we clap?” Jacob asked. “I feel like we should clap.”

They did. Everyone did. Even me. Gabriel’s face flushed red, and it wasn’t with anger. I’d never seen him flustered like this before. He didn’t like being the center of attention. Not in this way. But he gave everyone a grim smile. The Ian problem wasn’t solved, but it would be.

“Thank you, Mr. Black.” I didn’t know who said it, but the sentiment was echoed through the studio.

“He threatened their contracts,” I said. “Something else you can tell them.”

Gabriel came over and lifted me off the floor, Jace catching the ice packs before they fell. “I will be telling them that, and much more. I don’t care what I have to do. He’s gone.”

We were out of the studio before I could say goodbye, but Jace had my things, and everyone was chatting. Clearly the day was over. Good riddance. I wanted to be home with my pack for the rest of it.

“We’ll need a new creative director.”

“We’ll find someone.”

“Could be you,” I teased.

Gabriel laughed, and it broke the tension inside him. He stopped walking to kiss me. “No, it absolutely could not be me.”

“Just saying.”

“We’ll find someone, little one. First, I need to get you home, safe, where Jace can give you the massage you deserve, and I can start making some calls. I have no doubt Ian will be making some of his own.”

I looked over his shoulder at Jace. “A massage?”

He winked. “With hair pulling, happy ending, and everything.” I flushed, and he laughed. “I’m in the mood for some blueberry pancakes.”

“Not a bad idea,” Gabe said. “We should order a shit ton of pancakes.”

I nearly groaned. “Don’t say things like that if you don’t mean them.”

“Oh, I do. And when we’re done with the real pancakes, maybe we’ll just eat you.”

Leaning my head on his shoulder, I savored the pride and possessiveness coming across our bonds and smiled. “Promises, promises.”




The police station smelled bad.

Only years and years of grime and poorly cleaned messes could make something smell like this. If I worked here, my priority would be getting a crew here to clean it with a nuclear bomb.

I leaned on Roman’s shoulder, curled up in an uncomfortable chair while we waited. Jace sat on my other side. Ash was in a room with the detectives, giving them his statement. I wanted to be with him and soothe the ache that was our bond, but they wanted to speak to him alone. It felt like it had been too long.

The doors to the station opened, and Gabe walked in. He looked exhausted. Wearing his glasses, which was a sure sign of a long day. The board meeting had gone far longer than anyone anticipated. Ian had some supporters, and he’d gone in prepared for a fight.

He smiled, satisfaction rippling off him. “It’s done.”
