Page 177 of Knot For A Moment

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Hands grabbed me and pulled me off, but I fought my way back to Craig on the floor, kicking him hard enough to fracture his ribs. I hoped they would puncture a fucking lung.

More hands dragging me down to the floor, pinning me down. A hot, heavy, hard body on mine. “Firefly.” The word caressed my ear. “Stop.”

“Let me kill him,” I screamed. “I’m going to fuckingdestroy him.”

“Let her up,” a voice said. The weight came off me, and I sprang—straight into Ash. He grabbed my face with both hands and looked at me. “Sloane. Sweetheart. Look at me.”



My mind went quiet. I looked at him. I felt the terror and the pain in the bond between us. For me. Because of me. Anger lived there too. Omega rage still slithered under my skin,beggingto be free. To protectmyAlphas, no matter the cost.

But Ash held me fast, his Alpha making my Omega back down, even as I felt how badly he wanted to set me loose. A whine slipped out, and he relaxed, pulling me to him. I sobbed into his hoodie, unable to let go.

“No, no, no.” It was the only word I could fully say. The only thing I could think.

Ash pressed his mouth to my ear. “I want to kill him too,” he whispered. “You know I do. YouknowI do, but I can’t let you do it.”

“Why?” My voice cracked.

“Because I love you more than I hate him. I’m not going to let you ruin your life because of him. Will wouldn’t want that, and this asshole is going to jail forever.”

I broke further. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t.” He sounded broken too. “Don’t apologize, sweetheart. God, I love you. Your Omega rage is a thing of fucking beauty, but we had to stop you.”

Omega rage. Right. No wonder it felt so powerful. And good fucking thing too. In the same way no one would blame Gabriel for punching Ian in the face, no one would charge me for assaulting Craig in Omega rage. Especially not with our history and the restraining order we had. It was the one saving grace about it.

As long as I didn’t kill him.

“I’m going to turn you around now. He’s still here, but I’m not letting you go.”


Craig’s eyes were wild and on me. Scratches marred his face, his lip was bloodied, and his face was dark from the blood of his broken nose, but he looked fine and far tooalivefor my taste. He spat blood on the floor. “I want to press charges.”

The detective looked between him and me. “You know I can’t do that, Sullivan. We can’t charge someone for instinct. If you need extra medical care from your… injuries, we’ll bill the Lys pack for them.”

Rage contorted Craig’s features. “You fucking bitch. You cost meeverything.”

My own anger flared, only Asher’s hands on me keeping me in control. “Yeah? And what about me? You came to me knowing who I was and wanting everything from me. I know all about your fucking plan, Craig. You brought this on yourself. All of it. And then youkilled someone.”

I wouldn’t say all the things I wanted. Not out loud. Omega rage didn’t have me now. But I hoped he would rot. Or maybe he’d follow the man who tried to kill Petra into whatever afterlife we had. Either way, he deserved whatever hole he would be buried in.

“I just want to know why,” I finally said, my whole body shaking with the need to hurt him again. “You knew it was never going to change. Why would you do this?”

“Because you looked so fucking happy in those pictures.Bonded.” He spat again. “I wanted you to feel just a fraction of the pain and anger I’ve felt because of you. And that pretty boy had it coming.”

Asher tensed, and I felt my other Alphas close ranks around us, making sure he didn’t try to kill Craig himself.

“Get him out of here,” the detective said, and they took Craig away.

I thought about watching him until he disappeared, because he kept fighting to look back at us. But it was too good for him. I curled into Ash, burying my face again and turning my back on Craig, making sure he knew it was the last time I’d ever look at him.

I never wanted to think about him again either, but I knew that couldn’t be true.

“Baby girl?” Jace came around on my other side and crouched. “Let me see your hands, please.”
