Page 190 of Knot For A Moment

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“You and I still need to take a visit to the prop vault.”

“Not until the show is over.” We were in the middle of rehearsing the new show composed by Alexander Serrat, and while I didn’t think Genevieve would really be that mad at us if we were caught, I wasn’t jeopardizing my role in the show for anything. So far the ballet was everything I’d dreamed, and it was my favorite role I’deverdanced.

Gabriel raised a hand, calling us back toward the platform. I caught Roman’s hand as he went up on stage, pouring every bit of pride and love through to him. He smiled.

Roman was nervous, but he didn’t have to speak, so he was okay. If he wasn’t, he could come to us and we would take over. There were still moments when he couldn’t speak, and times when memories of his past made him go silent for days.

I’d figured out exactly how to burrow into his arms when he went to those places. We didn’t have to talk, but he never pushed me away, because he knew I would simply be there with him.

The curator of the exhibit made a little speech about the collection and thanked all the contributors before handing Roman an absolutely ridiculously sized pair of scissors.

He smiled at me before cutting the ribbon, flashes going so crazy from all the photographers, he sparkled.

All of us clapped and cheered.

Roman was known in his own right as a sculptor. But the size and prestige of this installation was above anything he’d done before.

We stayed for photos, Roman posing with the other artists and benefactors, talking with fans and other people—with one of us always close by to intervene or run interference if we needed to.

But most people simply wanted to talkathim about his work, so he was okay. I hovered near the food table, stealing pieces of cheese and the occasional strawberry.

“Hey girl, we’re going to head out.” Esme found me, followed by Eva.

My friends smiled, and Eva whispered. “The guys think we don’t know they’ve planned a surprise picnic for us at Esme’s house. So we’re going along with it.”

“That sounds fun.”

They lit up, and Esme nodded. “It will be. Especially if they bring out the Nerf guns.AfterEva leaves.”

Eva made a face. “Yeah, I’ll have my guys buy their own. I love you, but I’m not interested in being anywhere near y’all when you start your games.”

I just laughed. We were all used to talking about sex at this point, and there wasn’t much that we didn’t know about the others’ packs, much to our Alphas’ and Betas’ annoyance and amusement.

“Have fun.” I hugged them both. “See you next week?”

“Have to check the new filming schedule, but I hope so!”

The shouts when they left the building confirmed my suspicion about the amount of photographers here for Eva. I was glad my fame in the ballet world didn’t come with a flashing entourage. How both Eva and Petra managed it was beyond me.

Things seemed to be winding down. People still wandered around, chatting and looking at the sculptures, but the giant lobby was much emptier than it had been.

I snuck up behind Petra, who was leaning against Cole with her eyes closed. “Sleeping already?”

The dazed look in her eyes when she opened them told me yes.

“You should go sleep in a bed. Or a nest.Justsleep.”

Cole laughed. “Don’t worry, Lo. We’ll make sure she’s rested.”

Petra just smiled. Cole’s purr was soft, but I still heard it. “I’ll call you when I’m not in a coma?”

“Sounds good.” I blew her a kiss and followed the internal pull from Gabriel, near the doors.

He pulled me into him as soon as I was within reach, tilting my head to brush a kiss directly to his bite, threatening to make my knees melt. “Ready to go, little one?”

“I think so.”

All I felt from Roman was happiness and relief. Relief that it had gone well, and relief he could breathe and relax. “How are you?” I asked, taking his hand and squeezing.
