Page 43 of Knot For A Moment

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I hesitated, worried about losing the connection we had. But the next wave of pleasure had them closing anyway, hips arching into his hand. Jace focused his efforts on my clit, using my own wetness and teasing me. His thumb circled and his palm ground onto me, and I stopped resisting.

Something in my head was still holding back, worried about going too far with one of them and not all of them. That I couldn’t let go making sure they felt good too. Jace’s palm on my chest and the calm certainty of his movements brought me back and let me breathe.

He wanted this for me, and something about that made emotions and nerves and pleasure all come rushing to the surface. Pleasure washed up over me in a smooth wave.

It was like sinking into a hot bath made of nothing but honey and sugar. Butterscotch. A perfect peak that rose and fell, sweeping up and through, my body shaking in the aftermath.

Jace leaned down and kissed me slowly, pulling his hand back from me. “I want to do so much more than that.”

“Me too.”

With equal gentleness and slowness, he helped me sit up. “There’s a shower in here. You feel okay taking one?”

I leaned on him, purposely giving him my weight with a smile. “Are you joining me?”

He groaned. “I would, but I’m only so strong, baby.” A laugh and a kiss met my pout. “But I’ll happily hold you after. You’re going to sleep so well. Promise.”

“Fine,” I sighed heavily, intentionally laying it on thick. “Where am I going?”

“Right through there.” He pointed through the gym into another darkened room. “Towels and everything else you’ll need are in there. And before you can even question, if I were going to join you, I’d take you tomyshower.”

“Next time.”

“Soon,” he promised.

“Where am I going to sleep?”

He smiled. “I’m not sure yet, but I’ll talk to the others while you’re getting clean.”


Jace made sure I was steady on my feet before he released me, fingers lingering over the sheet that still clung to my body. “Thank you,” I said quietly. “For… all of that.”

A low purr answered me. “My pleasure, baby girl.”

I forced myself away from him or the restrictions I needed to keep myself healthy were going to crumble like the old moth-eaten costumes in the theater’s basement.

Like last night, I rushed through the shower, barely staying in long to get everything done. But it wasn’t until I stepped out I realized… Ash hadn’t come back yet. Or I didn’t know if he had. And I had nothing to put on except for the towel.

“Jace?” The gym was empty and the physio room dark. He could still be downstairs. I crept through the gym and looked out into the hall. “Hello?”

Movement caught my eye. Someone coming down the stairs from the next floor. He stopped when he saw me, and I couldn’t stopstaring.

The man was tall. Taller than all of them. Clearing well over six feet, he was a giant. A giant who currently wasn’t wearing a shirt, with only low-slung sweatpants on his hips. My eyes traveled over the muscles on display. The hair on his chest and the tattoos I couldn’t make out.

Dark hair fell to his shoulders, damp from his own shower. And his scent…

Pine and mist curled around me. The darkness of cool woods and the fresh sweetness of wilderness air. He was like breathing in through a fucking forest postcard, and it hit me just as hard as the other scents.

I searched his face. Asher mentioned he went to school with us.


Vague memories of seeing him across campus or in the dining hall came into focus. I didn’t think we’d ever spoken, but we wouldn’t have had a reason to.

His chest rose and fell in a deep inhale, but he didn’t move.

“You’re Roman?”
