Page 12 of Thorns of Frost

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I gaped. “This is where you learned to control your affinities?”

The room before me, if it could even be called a room, reminded me of a cavern with its hundred-foot-tall ceiling. The training quarters were made of gray stone, the rock thick and dense. Near the ceiling, huge windows let sunlight stream in, and I had a feeling they were made of unbreakable glass if the iron-infused wards I’d just stepped through were any indication of how impenetrable this room was.

On the far wall, rows of weapons waited. I gaped at the broadswords, shields, spears, knives, throwing stars, blades of every size, axes, crossbows... The list went on. Beside the rows of weapons lay numerous bookshelves with hundreds of texts that I could only assume contained knowledge of affinities and learning.

The prince clasped his hands beneath his great wings. “All of those weapons are either enchanted or ancient enough to contain magic of their own. Do not touch them unless you’re instructed to.”

“Weapons?” I made a face. “Why in the realm would I need to learn how to use those?”

The prince’s eyes darkened. “Some fae feel threatened when they encounter a fairy of greater magic-holding. Learning to use weapons is imperative, as is learning how to defend yourself.”

I swallowed. “You’re saying that my affinities alone can put me at risk? But once I learn to control my magic, isn’t that enough? Surely having fire and wind elements mean that I could protect myself.”

“Yes, you would likely be able to, unless your affinities were suppressed.” His eyes shuttered. “If that were to happen, you’d be left with nothing but your skills to protect yourself. Weapons are a must.”

My heartbeat picked up when I recalled how the prince had battled the fairy blessed with an ice bear affinity in High Liss. Initially, he hadn’t used magic, only his hands and swords.

I was about to ask another question when a bang came from a corner door, then the shuffle of feet.

A female barked out, “You’re late, Prince Norivun! Lady Seary’s classes begin daily at noon on the dot. Now, you know what happens when a pupil is tardy. Off you go. Now!”

My mouth dropped at the absolute ire of the female and the unflinching way she’d just spoken to the Bringer of Darkness. Her wide black wings, rotund figure, and narrowed eyes gave her an intimidating air, and I had to make myself not take a step back when she approached.

But the prince just raised his fist to his chest in traditional greeting and dipped his head. “Apologies, Matron Olsander. It shall not happen again.”

He strolled to the corner of the room where a chin-up bar waited. He leaped from the ground to grab it, then dangled. With a bend of his knees, he let all of his weight hang from his hands, and my jaw dropped even more as he began to lift himself.

Up, then down, up, then down. The crown prince was doingchin-ups.

“Snap that lid closed, my dear!” Matron Olsander swatted at my mouth, and I instantly closed it and stood straighter. Granted, it’d been a while since I’d gone to school, but I couldn’t recall any teachers being this strict or terrorizing. Mother Below, Matron Olsander scared the sprites out of me, and I absolutely detested sprites.

“Over here. Sit.” She bustled to a mat near the windows, her thick, black wings flexing slightly when she pointed toward the floor. “Prince Norivun tells me your magic has only recently manifested, and to date, you have three known affinities—the ability to create life, perhaps evenorem, and two elemental abilities, fire and air.”

She didn’t even flinch when speaking of my multiple affinities, but I supposed if she was the reason the prince was so powerful, then perhaps three was something to scoff at.

“Yes, Matron Olsander. That’s correct.”

She plucked her hands on her hips. “Well, of course, it’s correct. Did you think I was looking for you to affirm something I already knew?” Her heavy brow pinched together.

I clamped my lips closed. “No?”

She scowled and pointed to the mat. “On your rump. Now.”

I fell to the floor, and she sat beside me. “Close your eyes. You’ll feel your magic better that way when you initially begin to learn it.” She sighed. “We have much to catch up on. Three months isn’t long to master three affinities, so we’ll work nearly every day. One day off each week, that’s it. And during that day you’re to eat and sleep. That’s all. It’ll be the only way to fully replenish your magic and keep it charged for all that I have planned. Understood?”


“Do you always answer questions with a question?”

I was about to say,no?, but then I firmly replied, “No, Matron Olsander. Apologies.”

“Good. Now, as I was saying, we have much to do to prepare you for the Trial.” She sighed. “As it is, you’re like a newborn fairy without an inkling of how to control your abilities.” She looked at my wingless back and clucked her tongue. “Strange. Very strange indeed, but not unheard of. Queen Lissandra’s affinities also bloomed late, and she also has black hair, but she does have wings.”

“You know the queen has black hair?” I blurted, and then, unable to help my curious question despite her stern expression, asked, “Did you train the queen too?”

“Indeed I did! I’ve trained most of the royals. Now, enough questions from you and no more jibber jabbering. It’s time we got to work.”

Matron Olsander instructed me to sit cross-legged and close my eyes. “Feel for your magic. All fae are different. Some feel it in their minds, others in their heart, some in their guts, and some in their limbs. Where do you feel it pulsing?”
