Page 20 of Obsessed Kings

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Brock smirks. "Bitch, I’d fuck you so good you couldn’t walk until the spring semester started. Too bad I only have eyes for my one and only."

Olivia. Be still, my monstrous heart. Light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Even the mention of her name stirs fire in my veins. Flames shoot throughout the passages of flesh that carry my blood, threatening to melt the ice that has frozen my soul.


My icy heartwill notmelt.

The thing that happened to my little sister all those years ago will not have been in vain.

I need to remain calm. In control at all times. Of my surroundings. Of everyone.

I’m a powerful King.

That’s how I’ll be able to track down who did that shit to my precious baby sister.

My heart doesn’t melt for anyone.

Rook turns to Brock. "Tell me how a playboy like you fell for an angel like Olivia."

"I regret ever sticking my valuable dick in these fake bitches at Saintswood," Brock growls. "They were nothing but holes to fill. I thought I’d find freedom in endless pussy. I’ve seen the light."

"I can tell that our angel has changed you, brother." I ram my palm on Brock’s.It’s great to see a fellow King rise up and reclaim his throne.

Brock has evolved into a King. He’ll never have sex with another whore bitch again.

Rook pushes out a growl. "Well, I don't regret fucking all those badass MILFs in high school. There’s nothing like an older woman who knows what she wants. Smack her ass. Make her scream. I ain’t turning into no fucking Saint like Brock. That’s not who I am. Big dick motherfucker like me needs to put it to use. Stretch out his hog and let the ladies know what he’s packing. Use it or lose it. However, Olivia has stolen every bit of my attention. Something about her is…different.She’s a badass bitch in the making. A Queen. She’s innocent and virginal right now, but she’ll be screaming as she rides my cock and calls me Daddy soon. I know for a motherfucking fact that she’s well on her way to being turned out. An addict for my cock. I can tell by the way her pussy squirts out a new ocean every time we see her. Call it the Ocean of Olivia. I want to swim in it. Bust a fat nut in it. Bathe in it every morning and night until I’m a new man."

"I have a feeling that Olivia is on the start of her journey to owning her true power." I grip my whiskey glass tighter, another crack forming.

Brock lifts his head up. "That’s why she’s captivated me so. She’s a Queen. But sometimes, a Queen who doesn’t realize she has royal blood running through her veins needs a gang of alpha male predators to teach her who she truly is. Break down the false self she thinks she is. Usher her into the sacred mysteries of her own divine light."

Rook pushes out a growl. "We have to break her down to build her up."

"We’ll break her all right." For the first time all night, I allow a smirk to form on my face.

It’s sadistic. Deadly.

This is the smirk sharks give to their prey before they swallow them whole.

I’ll swallow Olivia whole.

My cock lengthens against my zipper when I think of the way she took my cock last weekend. Never in my life have I fucked a bitch’s throat that’s been so tight. Men think that pussies are the only virginal things about a woman, but they’re wrong. You can tell if a bitch has never sucked a dick before by the way you rut against her tonsils. If they spread, she knows too much. If they cradle your tip, she’s innocent.

Nothing compared to breaking her down. That’s what we need to do to her. Break her down. Like a badly behaved horse. Then, we’ll build her into the Cleopatra that she is inside.

A bead of sweat drips down my chiseled cheekbone. I let it slide down my toned neck, permitting it to trickle under my shirt and slip down the plains of my rock-hard pecs. I got a fresh skull and bones tattoo last week on the right side of my chest that matches the one on my bicep.

The skull tattoo is a rite of passage for Sinners. Sophomore year, Brock, Rook, and I lined up in the locker room for the tattoo artist to ink us. It was Brock’s first ink and my third piece. Rook had a shitload of ink from his time in juvie, so he wasn’t too fazed. The tattoo itself didn’t hurt at all. The second I got it, I looked at myself in the mirror, feeling one hundred percent the badass I always knew I was in my heart. A Sinner. Tatted up and ready to fucking win.

That’s why I came to Saintswood in the first place. It wasn’t because I had a desire to use the team’s connections to launch myself to the big leagues. I could go pro on any fucking college team, I’m that good. Before my sister was abducted and murdered, my family and I would watch college football games together. I saw the Sinners’ skull logo and thought it was badass as fuck. From the age of five, I only cheered the Sinners on. When I received word that not only had I been admitted to Saintswood, but would be the starting quarterback, I was blown away. It made all those afternoons fighting in the gym against my own demons worth it. All those nights I did pushups and screamed at the floor as if that’d bring my sister back. It didn’t, but my workouts could still my mind.

Rage bubbles up inside me. Rage that I haven’t fucked Olivia’s tight pussy again. Rage that I haven’t forced her to call me her God.Olivia is the only thing that makes me forget my little sister’s brutal killing.

I want to take Olivia’s virginity in a bed full of black rose petals and knives. The scars on her untouched skin won’t be the only thing that bleeds.

I’m a bad motherfucker. I want to lick her bloody pussy soaked in her busted hymen after I fuck it into pieces. Make it burst until the seeds of her cherry tattoo my tongue.

"I can’t take it anymore." Crimson seeps across my vision, attesting to the hurricane of anger brewing inside of me. "I need her. Now."
