Page 10 of Ruthless Roses

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“Our baby boy is already going to be a genius, Phi. He has you as a mother.”

“Then does that mean he’s going to be a troublemaker since you’re his father?”

“Most likely. Deadly combination. He’ll be outsmarting us by the time he’s five.”

“Medjine said the same thing earlier.”

“How was lunch with the girls?”

She snickers. “The girls?”

“They’re your posse. The way Stitches, Omar, and Fabio are mine. You’ve got your little girl gang going on,” I taunt her, sliding the book out of her hand and gently pulling her to her feet. I pepper her with a few kisses and tell her how much I’ve missed her throughout the day. “I told everybody I’m on a leave of absence for the foreseeable future.”

“Are you sure it won’t impact any of your operations?”

“Omar is in charge. He’ll be briefing me daily. Anything else I can handle from my office here.”

We go inside for our dinner with Olive jerking awake from her nap and trotting beside us. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn Salt and Pepa are scowling from whatever hiding spots they’ve selected.

The evening passes with us indulging in a quiet, calm dinner of herb-roasted chicken and veggies. Delphine finishes telling me about what she’s read in her baby brain health book, and I attentively listen, half impressed and half amused.

My wife is the most brilliant person I know. Not only is she beautiful and brave, with a pure heart, she’s so intelligent that it often turns me on. The way her eyes shine when she speaks with such passion, and how she often knits her brows when in deep thought make her sexier than she can ever understand.

It always conjures up imagery of a speechless Delphine. A Delphine so aroused, so deep in pleasure that she can’t possiblythink—her biggest weapon. She’s rendered completely incapable of words except the moans that escape her lips.

Something about getting her to let go, getting her to turn her brain off and give into pleasure only makes me desire her more.

Throughout the months of her pregnancy, we’ve found new and creative ways to enjoy each other. Delphine’s changing hormones have left her in an almost constant hot and bothered state—a convenient fact I’ve been more than happy to exploit.

“The science shows that it’s a combination of factors, because the brain is such an interconnected organ. It’s about providing a healthy emotional and physical foundation for learning to take place,” she rambles passionately. Her plate of food sits in front of her, long ago forgotten. “The human brain develops more in the first five years than it does any other time in life. This includes skills they’ll need as they grow older—problem solving, clear communication, even how to self-regulate their emotions. They pick up on the foundation you provide from the moment they’re born. Babies areliterallysponges.”

I attempt to scrub away my grin, cutting into my chicken breast. “Fascinating, Phi.”

She catches on right as she starts her next sentence. Her heart-shaped lips take on a pouty quality. “You’re humoring me! Don’t make fun. This stuff reallyisfascinating. I want to set our son up for success, Jon.”

“I’m not humoring you. I’m doing my best not to be turned the fuck on right now.”

Surprise chases away the pout. Her lips quirk as if nowshe’samused. “Not this again. Your kink for smart girls.”

“Not just any smart girls. My wife. Talking passionately about the science of baby brain development. Who knew the subject could be so hot?”

I get up from my seat at the table and stalk toward her at a languid pace, like animals do in the wild. She remains where she is, as though she’s unsure how to respond to the predator coming her way. Her tongue makes a quick appearance, slipping out for a lick of that plump bottom lip I love tasting so much. All as her curious brown eyes remain on me, her beautiful face glowing.

This woman and the hold she has over me… there are no words… does she understand I’d do anything for her? Just to make her happy?

I stop before her and reach out to touch her. My large hand grips her soft chin so that I’m guaranteed to hold her attention—so that I’m establishing she has mine, undivided and devoted.

“Our son will be destined for greatness,” I tell her plainly. “That’s what is so amusing, Phi. You’re so worried, but you only confirm why our son will do great things—he’s made from you and me. How can he not be as amazing as you are?”

She leans into my touch as my hand slides up to her cheek and my thumb strokes the curve of it. She savors my touch much the same way I savor hers. Her voice turns breathy, her warm gaze connected to mine.

“I’m done with dinner,” she says. “Take me upstairs, Jon.”

Coded language we both understand. I pull her up to her feet and press a kiss to her lips, happy to oblige.

In a matter of minutes, we’re enveloped in pleasure. I’m spooning Delphine from behind as we lay on our sides and rock with each other. Our moans fill up the room as we gyrate, my dick sliding in and out of her wet heat.

The deepest primal urge has been awakened in me like it so frequently is in moments like this, but more than ever since Delphine’s become pregnant. There’s something extra erotic about having her with the knowledge that she’s carrying my child. That it’smydoing that has made her this way.
