Page 67 of Cruel Delights

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I squeeze her arms in my viselike grip to emphasize my point. “You wandered off. I explicitly told you not to do so. Which means this can end in one of two ways. You atone for breaking my rule, or I will show you the door, and we’re done.”


“I will call up Kreed and tell him to call off your audition.”

Cruel? Yes. Coercive? Also, yes.

However, she needs to understand there are consequences to her actions. If she breaks my rules, she’ll suffer like everyone else. Possibly a different kind of suffering than what I usually reserve for the people I punish. Nevertheless,stilla punishment.

Besides, it’s not as though Lyra’s innocent. She takes money from lonely, pathetic men so starved for female attention, they sit obediently in front of their computer screens with the futile hope that they’ll catch a nip slip.

Lyra doesn’t know I know about her Cyber Fans account. She doesn’t know I’ve watched her cam shows.

There’s a lot Lyra doesn’t know. There’s a lot I do know, like the fact that she likely let me fuck her last night to officially secure her audition with Fyodor.

Almost all women are the same in this regard. Always subconsciously calculating what they can and will receive in exchange for sex.

I am indifferent about it. Men are often willing to barter for it.

In Lyra’s case, I’m no exception. My growing appetite for her has kept her alive.

Her swallow is audible. “What do you want me to do?”

“Select two items. Just two. Choose wisely.”

Her hesitation stretches on for another moment before she obeys. She steps forward and I release her. The items she selects will reveal more than she realizes about her desired proclivities and hidden appetites.

She stops in front of the selection of blindfolds.

I grin.


But foolish. She doesn’t realize how she’s just informed me of what she desires on a deeper, subconscious level.

Lyra wants the unpredictable; she wants to be in the dark, giving up control. Her sight taken away, she wants to feel what’s being done to her rather than see it coming.

The second item amuses me.

She chooses a vibrator. The smallest one I have, a little silver egg that packs much more power than she probably realizes it does.

“Good choices,” I say calmly, walking up behind her. “Take off your shirt.”


“Take it off. Or I will rip it off for you. And you will not like what happens next.”

She gasps, then promptly does it. She pulls the shirt I’d given her to sleep in over her head and lets it drop to the floor. My gaze flits over her mostly naked form. An urge I can’t squash even though I’ve seen her a number of times.

Only her panties remain. I step closer from behind and ease away the blindfold she’s chosen—a silky cherry-red that is otherwise safe.

“What will you do?” she asks, nerves trembling in her tone.

“I hate to be cliché, Lyra, but that’s for me to know and you to find out,” I tease. I brush my lips against her cheek before laying the blindfold flush across her eyes. “If you wanted to know, then perhaps the blindfold was a foolish choice.”

“Then I change my—”

“My turn,” I interrupt. “Two items of my choosing.”
