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The rain, the lovemaking, it all fused to ignite a spark inside Gabriel’s own creative mind. He was going to build her the most magnificent art studio where she could delve into her imaginative waters, sharing the blessings of color and landscape portraiture with the pride.

Gabriel was enlivened and summoned the opinions of the more architecturally inclined other shifters. Lucas, Walter, and Mark all came around to his place one warm afternoon when Lily was busy finishing a lesson in the park.

“Thank you all for coming around today,” Gabriel said as they sat on his terrace, gazing over the thicket of forestry beyond. "I really want this to be kept a secret until we can't keep it a secret anymore. I want Lily to be surprised."

Lucas grinned. Gabriel waited for some snide comment, but it never came. He merely raised his beer in support.

“I will drink to that."

Walter was the shifter with the most experience in architectural engineering. Gabriel knew a little, but it wasn’t sufficient enough to start building an entire building from scratch. Walter had brought what he had laid out in a blueprint from talking briefly with Gabriel over the phone.

Walter was a bit older than Gabriel, in his forties, and had gone gray rather early in his shifter life. He was the definition of easygoing, soft-spoken, committed, and empathic. He would have been next on the list as Gabriel’s beta if he hadn’t already been so close to Lucas. Walter’s thoughtfulness was earnest and helpful during the less plentiful times that the pride had endured.

“I drew a brief sketch of what you were talking about last night,” Walter said, laying out the blueprint on the table between them. “It’s to the scale of a few studios I've done before. Not necessarily with a skylight, though."

Everyone around the table studied the design. It was a lovely day with clear skies and shimmering blues. Autumn was a whisper away, but all the shifters had their arms out, thankful for the remnants of summer that held on.

Gabriel noticed that Mark wasn't contributing to the discussion very much. He was in his twenties but very wise. He was at the same level of tomfoolery as Lucas … usually, anyway … never surpassing an opportunity for a joke. But he also had his moments of sharp observation and stoicism that Gabriel relied on for physical altercations.

He sat in the patio chair with his beer on his knee, his expression far-off and idle, slightly swaying back and forth. Gabriel gave him a light nudge on the shoulder, breaking him out of his reverie.

“Mark, what is going on?” Gabriel asked, at first, rather lightheartedly. “You haven’t tried to one-up Lucas one time this afternoon."

Mark blinked a few times heavily, and that was when Gabriel picked up the zesty scent of sweat. Something was bothering him. It felt dire, with an acidic taste to it. And he was going to get to the bottom of it.

“Um, something not so great has been going on,” Mark said, his voice uncharacteristically overtaxed. “I heard something from one of the women today that was bothersome. I didn't want to disrupt the mood of the day."

Both Lucas and Walter stood from their hunched-over positions at the table. Suddenly, the sky went a sullen chrome gray. Gabriel hoped a storm wasn't approaching.

“Who was it?” Walter asked.

“Sandy. She caught me on my way here and told me that she hadn’t heard from Sebastian all day. She seemed pretty fraught.”

Gabriel wanted to lurch forward at his man, but he kept his cool. That was his job, after all, and Mark was still young. He touched his shoulder instead and cocked an eyebrow.

“You need to come to me with this type of information immediately, Mark. How long has he been gone?"

Mark shook his head, looking a little sheepish. Gabriel swallowed, trying to keep his ragged voice even.

“If he's been missing for a day, he could have just lost track of time. But if that isn’t the case, we have to send out our men to find him.”

Mark nodded in agreement.

“Yes, you're right. I’m sorry, Gabriel. She just seemed so worried. I wasn’t sure what to do."

Gabriel clapped him on the shoulder. He knew Sebastian and Sandy. They were both around Mark’s age. He wondered, judging by the far-off look in the young man’s eyes, whether or not he had feelings for Sandy. A man's judgment was shaken like a snow globe when he met someone so incredible. Gabriel knew the reality well. Lily was like the most divine blinding light he knew.

“It’s no matter. But I think you and Lucas should head out and look for him. Walter and I can continue talking about the studio and update you both tomorrow. Got it?"

Lucas was ready and on the move. Gabriel took the beer out of Mark’s hand, gripping this shoulder once again. The young man slowly met his alpha’s eyes. Gabriel gave him a reassuring smile.

“Don’t worry about it, Mark. I am sure he is fine. We can all get a little lost out there when the time comes, right?”

Mark nodded and thanked Gabriel for understanding. They gathered up their things, and then, without warning, Lily emerged on the terrace through the sliding door.

Gabriel’s heart jumped. It was rare for him and other powerful shifters to ever be startled. The issue with Mark and Sebastian had him distracted.

"What's going on out here?" she said with a crooked smile.
