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“We'll keep making things,” the lead boy said as they raced out of the nursery. The girl trailed after them, waving goodbye.

Lily was growing to love this life and pride more and more each day. The joy and excitement of the little ones had breathed new life into her. It had allowed her to momentarily forget why she was distracting herself.

When reality slinked its way back in, she continued with her various jungle leaves.

Lily hummed different lullabies as she switched brushes to change the size of the majestic leaves. With her need for constant distraction, she already had one wall almost complete.

She took a step back and tilted her head. A suggestion from a teacher long ago rang in her ears as it always did when she was working on her own art. Take a step back and look at it with fresh eyes.

Lily did just that, trying not to be too critical of herself. She was her own worst critic when it came to her personal paintings.

Another voice spoke behind her. “I think maybe a little more white to show the illumination from where the sun breaks through the foliage.”

Lily nodded. “I think you’re right. I see it t…” She broke off and turned to face the speaker once the voice sunk in.

Gabriel stood there. He looked rough, bruised, and dirty but otherwise unscathed. He smiled his delicious smile. “Hey, beautiful.”

“Gabriel!” She threw her arms around his neck as he caught her. She forgot that she had wet paint on her as well as a freshly dipped brush.

“I was so worried,” she said in between kisses. “I know it has only been a day, but knowing what you were walking into made it feel like it’s been years.”

Gabriel pushed her hair from her face and cupped her jaw so he could stare into her eyes. She was trying not to tear up, but her emotions were proving to be more chaotic than usual as of late.

“Are you crying?” He wiped her face with his coarse fingers.

She sniffed and smiled up at him. Not trusting herself enough to respond immediately, she kissed him again. Her tears wet their lips more than she intended. “I don’t mean to. I’m just happy you’re okay.”

“I’m more than okay. I’m here with you.” They wrapped each other up in soft kisses. After a hot minute of making out, Gabriel rested his hand affectionately on Lily’s stomach.

She placed her hands over his and stared at the love her unborn child was already receiving. Her throat tightened with emotion again.

“Are you and the baby okay? I’m sure the stress I just put on you wasn’t good for either of you.”

“Oh my gosh, don’t apologize! We are fine. I promise. I have just been busying myself with the nursery.” Lily stepped to the side and showed off her unfinished mural as well as the decorating the children had been helping her with.

She watched Gabriel’s reaction, and it caused her heart to soar with love. Lily could see in his eyes how much this room meant to him. Not because of the decorations or her painting but because of what it represented. What it would be home to in just a matter of months. She knew this because she could feel it from him. It reciprocated her feelings, making them twice as strong.

Gabriel walked over to the crib and rested his hand on the rail.

Lily watched and fell in love with the shifter even more than she already had. She could see the eagerness and longing in his eyes for a child. For him to be a father. Yet, nervousness seemed to shroud that.

“How do you feel about all of this now that it’s actually happening?”

He turned to face her, looking shocked at her question. “What?”

She walked toward him and wrapped her arms around his torso. “I’m not judging you. It’s just that now everything is real. It’s slowly been starting to sink in with me, especially working on this nursery and trying to come up with names.”

His face softened. “You’ve been making a list of names?”

She smirked. “Yeah. Just while I have been painting and, you know, trying to distract myself from you possibly not making it back.”

He squeezed her. “I’m harder to get rid of than that. You’ll see.” He looked over the room again, this time with more peace on his face. “I like it a lot. It’s perfect.”

“Maybe you can add your own artistic hand to this. I have two more walls to do. It’s really rather therapeutic.”

“I don’t know, Lil. It’s been a long time since I’ve done any of my own stuff.”

“That’s the perfect reason to do it.” She picked up another brush and handed it to him. “Just for a little bit. I bet you forgot how enjoyable it is.” She smiled at him as she waved the brush in his face. Lily stepped closer in a flirtatious manner. “I’d really like to spend some time with you.”
