Page 20 of Bear

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Of course, after the attack on the gym, the average person would assume the hatch led to another tunnel the MC and bail bonds had built, which was semi-true. The hatch did lead to a tunnel but this tunnel and area didn’t connect to any of the other escape tunnels. It led to a hatch on the back side of Regina’s garden that was hidden underneath a small barn that housed the MC’s snowplow.

Bear slid down the ladder, forgoing the steps. He was in a hurry. He was a little proud of himself waiting until now but Scoop and Cannon had convinced him a little time in a jail cell might make their prisoner more talkative.

War had no idea the guys were having a chat tonight with their prisoner. War was torn. He talked about getting the bad guys who the law would never touch but he still had that core who believed everyone deserved a chance. Bear had grown up with his incubator always coming in and destroying everything he’d built or taking his savings to leave him alone.

Right and wrong were all good and well when there weren’t dirty cops or people able to pay their way out of any crime. Bear considered sometimes for the greater good a person might need to step into the gray area to accomplish his goals of protecting his family.

Scoop opened the metal door where their guest had been staying. He had a composting toilet, bottled water available, a thin mattress and blanket on the floor, and he was given three meals a day. Their guest hadn’t seen the sun or a clock. They’d varied when they turned off the lights and fed him actually more than three meals a day to make him think a longer time had passed. Flick had patched him up and made sure he didn’t need a hospital.

Scoop had done a deep dive on their guest using facial recognition because surprise, surprise, his fingerprints had been burned off.

Bear waited, staring at their guest while Scoop and Cannon secured him to a metal chair that had been nailed into the concrete. His guest didn’t appear scared. Having food and a place to sleep had given him a sense that they weren’t going to hurt him. Bear tilted his head, studying the man in the silence.

“You need to let me go.”

This guy may have had his fingerprints removed but he’d only lasted a couple minutes before blurting something out. A professional would have lasted longer. Maybe this would be easier than he thought, which kind of pissed him off. He had a lot of anger bottled up from seeing his woman hurt and her gym burned to the ground. He’d like a chance to work it off.

“Why?” Bear worked to keep his tone bored, which was fucking hard since bored was the last thing he felt. All-consuming rage still coursed through him two and half weeks after he’d almost lost Winnie.

“The people I work for will kill you all.”

Now that just really pissed him off. Was the guy not going to withhold information? How would he justify hitting him if he cooperated?

“Oh, your people? Your people that have no idea where you are and probably think you’re dead? Yeah, I’m sure they didn’t give you a second thought after you screwed up your mission. Yep, you failed.”

Their guest’s face reddened and a little vein pounded in his neck.

“Why would they care about someone who was on probation for check fraud? It’s not like you’re this big bad criminal who’s an integral part of their operation.” Scoop scoffed. “What, was the A team of your group not available, so they had to make do with you? What are you, C or D team?”

“I’m important and you don’t know who you’re messing with.”

“Seriously, could we move this along? I’m getting bored. You guys made me dig that freaking hole and since you wanted it quiet, I had to do it by myself. Do you guys know how long it takes to dig a big enough hole for a body?” Cannon even whined a little at the end to make it believable.

He and the guys hadn’t gone over what they were going to say but they’d all worked together enough they could depend on each other. Cannon was excellent at reading people’s smallest expressions and knowing exactly when in an interrogation to pull out their greatest fear.

A couple beads of sweat were appearing on their guest’s forehead but he didn’t seem in a hurry to say anything.

“I’m not wasting my time if he’s not going to help us. Go ahead and take him, Cannon. It’s dark enough, just tie his hands and feet, stuff a cloth in his mouth and cover him with the dirt. He’ll suffocate before it’s light tomorrow morning.”

Bear turned away while Cannon and Scoop unhooked him from the chair. He was really wanting to hit the guy so he provided an opportunity. Their guest hit Cannon in the stomach and elbowed Scoop in the neck. Both the guys pretended like they were down because the one thing they had talked about was Bear wanted to pound on their guest a little.

Bear turned before their guest could hit him from behind and landed a hard left, followed up by a right punch into his stomach. When their guest bent over holding his stomach, Bear decided he needed to teach a little more of a lesson. Grabbing him by his hair, Bear held his head upright and landed a direct punch to his face, knocking him out.

“Ahh, I thought you’d play with him a little longer. That was a little anticlimactic,” Scoop commented.

“I was worried if I gave myself free rein I wouldn’t be able to stop. Nice touch with the digging the hole.”

Cannon chuckled. “Thanks, I’m thinking we splash water on him and wake him up. Then Scoop and I drag him to the other hatch. I think he’ll give us all the information we need.”

“Since I know we aren’t burying him on the property, what did you and Scoop come up with to get him out of here before we go on lockdown with everyone?”

“He has a warrant out of Texas for a felony. Jesse and Beth are meeting us at the hatch and will drive into Oklahoma about an hour and meet a friend they have who will take our guest to Texas and turn him in. She’s making Jesse hit her so she can say she was hurt when she tried to defend herself.”

Leave it to his friends to not only have his back but arrange it in a way that whoever he was working for would think he’d been killed or just disappeared. Hopefully, the information Scoop and Cannon would find out could help them defend themselves.
