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Chapter Fourteen

Tonight was going tobe unbearable. Watching Winnie receive congratulations on the gym opening and unable to stand beside her with his arm around her.

His sunbeam had burrowed into every facet of his life until he couldn’t imagine a day without her. She pushed his grumpy ass when he slipped into his dark days, which with Winnie around were fewer. Her hand on his chest and her whispering his name had brought him back so many times when he started to analyze everything.

He checked his phone to see if she’d texted back. He wanted to know if he could see her for just a few minutes before the opening. It was a momentous occasion for his woman. She’d rebuilt from the ashes—literally. He was thankful the purchase of the additional land had gone through. Having the gym between the MC main compound and the bail bonds compound made it infinitely safer.

He hoped they came up with a better way to refer to everything. It might as well all be the Bluff Creek Brotherhood compound because Locks didn’t hide his affiliation with the MC anymore. Times had changed and the bias against motorcycle clubs, especially ones like theirs, wasn’t quite as negative.

Technically, if he had his way, the entire acreage they owned would be combined into one big area with a barrier to keep anyone from entering it without them knowing. He’d looked over Beth’s original plans and with a little tweaking he believed they’d have a safe place for all of them. He’d jotted down a couple additions he’d like to use to increase their security. There were a couple of weaknesses he’d spotted and they’d bother him like an itch under his skin until he resolved them.

The information Cannon had gotten from their guest before he left hadn’t sparked any threads Scoop could follow. Their guest had mentioned a woman whom he spoke to but was never told her name or saw her. Scoop and Sarah were both excellent with ferreting out information but they needed something to start their search with and the leads were slim. His phone beeped.

Winnie: On my way

He hoped she liked her gift. Trying to figure out something to celebrate the gym’s reopening while not letting anyone know they were dating was almost impossible. He made a list of pros and cons for the items he’d been considering. This one seemed to be one that Winnie would cherish but would also pass as the gift of someone close to the sisters as opposed to the gift of a lover.

Winnie’s front door opened and her steps were quiet on the floor. His woman loved her different athletic shoes. He wondered how she planned on dressing for the opening. He liked her best in her leggings and athletic shoes, or her jeans that highlighted every smooth muscle in her thighs with motorcycle boots. She was perfect for him.

Winnie dropped her jacket and walked straight to him, pulling his head down for a kiss. Winnie’s lips felt cool against his as she kissed him. Each time he felt her lips against his and held her in his arms, he thanked God he came back to Bluff Creek and Winnie.

Winnie leaned back, gazing in his eyes. “I needed that. I have about ten minutes to change clothes and see you then head back. Remi looked at me like I was crazy to not wear the correct clothes.”

He chuckled. He was surprised with how astute her sisters were that they all hadn’t realized something was going on. “I have a gift for you. I, ah...” He paused. Winnie didn’t need all the reasons he did or didn’t pick this gift.

“Oh, gimme, gimme.” Winnie bounced up and down, holding her hands out. He handed her the present and watched her sit on the bed to tear into it.

When she had it open, she ran her fingers across the top of it. Winnie looked up at him, her eyes filling with tears.

“Sunbeam, I didn’t give you this to make you cry. I gave you this so you’d remember how strong you and your sisters are.”

He sat down beside Winnie, sliding his arm around her and brushing a kiss against her cheek.

“Did you write this?” Winnie motioned to the wood plaque he’d had engraved.

When the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow, remember you have the light inside you to light your way home.

“I did. I wrote it for you and for all the people who walk through the gym’s door taking their first step to standing tall. Winnie, your light is a beacon to me but also to everyone you and your sisters help. You’ve taken what your parents instilled in you and worked to make the world a better place. I can’t imagine how huge your impact will be when all these people you’ve helped find their light spread it to help others.”

Winnie wiped her nose. “This is perfect and I’m going to show exactly how much I love it later when we have time. Your words and this gift are perfect. Do you have an idea where we can hang it in the gym?”

“A couple.”
