Page 28 of Bear

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Chapter Seventeen

Scoop was monitoringthe cameras around the party and she’d just made her pass through all the areas. The company had their own security, which took care of who was allowed at the party and patrolled the outside.

She and Scoop were in charge of the inside and specifically were on the lookout for anyone trying to leave with the technology the company was showcasing tonight.

The next pass around the party was in fifteen minutes. Scoop would take that one while she watched the cameras and changed her clothes and hairstyle. She started the evening in a ball gown like most of the women attending. Before her next time through she’d pull her hair up into an intricate twist before she changed into a pantsuit.

Scoop would change jackets and put his contacts in. Most people wouldn’t give them a second thought, which is what they wanted.

She sat down beside Scoop and took over three of the cameras. Scoop nudged a drink toward her and a plate of snacks.

“I can hear your stomach growling from here.”

Winnie wasn’t shy about grabbing the snacks and eating. “That’s because the food they brought us wasn’t enough for the yippy little chihuahua they have. I will never understand the frou frou places that their portions are the size of a quarter to half dollar. I much prefer the food at Regina’s Roadside Refuge.”

“I bet you prefer the manager there, too.”

Winnie waited to see if Scoop would say anything else. Did he know about her and Bear?

“I can hear your brain trying to figure out how to answer me. Yes, I know about you and Bear. I’m very fucking observant and confronted him and basically didn’t give him a choice to not share. I’m the only one who knows. The man is gone for you. When he stares at you, the left side of his mouth quirks up and his whole demeanor softens. Grumpy Bear becomes a little less sullen when you’re around.”

She and Bear hadn’t talked about how they would tell people but she hadn’t considered someone figuring it out.

“Chill. If you don’t want to talk about it, okay, but just know I’m thrilled my friend found his sunshine. You guys are great together.”

They were great together because he was everything to her. She’d loved him for so long and when he finally gave in, he’d pushed her away. The only reason she felt comfortable telling him she loved him enough to give him time was because she’d learned so much about him over the years.

“Thanks, Scoop. I’m glad he has you to talk with. I talked with Sarah, too, so you guys both know but no one else yet. Now, you should head out there. You don’t want to miss your chance to get hit on.”

Scoop laughed and saluted her with two fingers. “It’s a jungle out there but I think I can resist.”

Winnie moved in front of the screens to keep an eye on what was happening. It had been one of the most boring assignments she’d ever been on but Scoop’s words had made it all worth it. It warmed her heart that Scoop could see a difference in Bear because of her. Bear was such a protective, wonderful man and despite his serving in the Army and on the police force, he still didn’t see his worth. Maybe by the time they had kids, he would. And they would have kids. Bear was too good with children not to be a father. She’d always imagined herself with six. Some might call her crazy but even when her sisters were driving her to pull her hair out, she loved them and wouldn’t trade them for anything.

Six kids sounded like a lot but she had her mother’s example to live by. Her mom and dad had always found time to make each of them feel special. From all of them learning to drive Ginger, their metallic green 1970 Monte Carlo, to her parents teaching them all self-defense and how to shoot numerous guns, she’d had an idyllic childhood. Love, laughter and the extended love from all the MC members had her wanting to share it with kids. Winnie didn’t even care if she gave birth to them all. With all the children in social services, she wouldn’t be opposed to adopting kids. She knew sometimes older kids were passed over for adoptions and it hurt her heart.

She giggled to herself seeing Scoop fending off another woman at the party. Some of the women were being very persistent. She was curious if Scoop found any of them attractive. Since he’d been back home, he had been very circumspect if he was hooking up with anyone, not like Roam, War’s brother, and Cannon. Panties dropped all the time around those two.

She kept waiting to see if Regina stepped in regarding Roam. He almost seemed like he was having a midlife crisis because she kept seeing him with different women and he seemed to be drinking more than before. She understood him being upset his wife left their kids but his wife had been a horrible woman and the kids and Roam were better off without her. She’d been gone at least five or six months if Winnie was counting correctly.
