Page 35 of Bear

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Jesse: On my way. Just got some modifications done to a side by side for you.

Sarah: My pumpkin bread and banana bread has a couple more minutes in the oven. I’ll be over as soon as it’s out unless you need me to kick someone’s ass before then.

Winnie: I’ll wait for fresh pumpkin bread. Did you make honey butter?

Sarah: Seriously? You have to ask. I made a huge amount for the invasion.

Winnie: Am I the only one who doesn’t know what is happening today?

Remington: Since you had the kids, we didn’t include you in the planning texts. You should thank us, seriously, it’s good we have unlimited texts. The MC put out the call for help. You have Whiskey and his whole family along with all the MC plus some people from town. Regina and Sarah are coordinating food.

Beth: I coordinated toys and kids beds. I ordered a couple options for comforter colors and will return what we don’t need. One of Whiskey’s brothers is picking up our order once the store opens. He was visiting in Wichita so he won’t be here until after lunch. If you think of something before ten, let me know and I’ll have him grab it.

Jesse: I know you have a certain way you like stuff, everything being done can be changed later. Everyone wanted to take care of immediate needs. Sarah added a form where people can sign up to help you guys including doing early morning feedings so you all can sleep. She had to add where one person couldn’t fill out all the spots because Rascal and Dad were fighting over them all.

Winnie: They were fighting over who had to change a dirty diaper when I came out.

Remi: I foresee a lot of competition between Rascal and Dad. I bet all the kids end up with mini motorcycles, regular bikes and more toys than they’ll ever need. You might need a bigger house or a larger garage just for the toys.

Beth: We’re giving you a week then we’ll be doing a girls’ night so you can tell us all about your and Bear’s courtship.

Winnie: Courtship?

Beth: I’d considered clandestine fucking but thought you might take offense to that.

Jesse: I agree with clandestine. How the hell you kept it from us is amazing.

Winnie: Gotta go. The kids need me.

Remington: Chicken.

Beth: Bac Bac Bac

Jesse: You can run but you can’t hide. We know where you live.

Sarah: Bread is out. Jesse, can you pick me up? I could use some help.

“Okay, kiddos, let’s go get dressed so we can do all the fun stuff.”

She helped the kids wash hands, brush teeth, and do all the things to get them ready. Phoebe was a helper. She not only tied her own shoes but helped her younger brother. Once everyone was dressed, she checked the bag for jackets or coats. There was one light jacket but nothing substantial. She’d checked the temperature and it was in the sixties with a breeze.

She laid the baby on the bed with a pillow on either side of him, more for protection from his siblings since he was too young to roll over. She dug through her zippered sweatshirts. She was sure she had a couple size smalls she hadn’t given away yet.

She found two. “Okay, these might be big but will keep you warm until we can get you some other ones.”

“Anybody here?” Regina called.

“In here.”

Regina appeared in the doorway with a bag. “Oh, looks like I’m just in time. I brought some of Grant’s clothes for David. A couple women from town dropped off a bag for Phoebe. I pulled out the jackets.”

Regina walked over with a pretty purple jacket with sparkly buttons. “Do you remember me from yesterday? I saw this and thought it would look so pretty on you.”

Phoebe nodded and let Regina slip the coat on her. Then Phoebe swirled around, dancing in her new coat, her eyes shining brightly and a smile on her face.

“I also brought snacks and food for lunch. Let me get that in and then I can watch the baby while you and the younger ones give your opinion on where you want the play area.”

Winnie was thankful for Regina’s suggestion. She loved the guys but if they were adding a play area, which sounded like it was more than a swing set, she wanted to have a say.
