Page 52 of Bear

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“What type of reminder?” Sarah asked.

“The kind where I emphasized where you all might be bound by the guidelines for bail bonds and bounty hunting, I’m not. I told her I’d been in an MC for over forty years and I wasn’t going to allow her to hurt my family.”

Beth backed up the SUV and drove around the block, then parked in a nearby driveway. Beth pulled a phone out of the glovebox and dialed. She laid it on the console, putting it on speaker.

“911, what’s your emergency?”

“Well, I’m not sure. There’s this house that people are going in and out of. Like lots of traffic. Then I saw the lady walk out of the house and take a package to a car waiting on the street. He handed her money then left.”

“Ma’am, what address is this happening at?”

“1911 Sycamore Street.”

“Ma’am, I need you to wait around for the police.”

“Oh no, I can’t do that. My mom will kill me if she finds out I snuck out of the house.”

“Honey, your mom...”

“No, I...I can’t.”

Beth had added a little hiccup and cry at the end of her words before she hung up, turned the phone off and pulled the sim card out.

“What the hell, Beth? What happens when they get there and realize it’s a prank call?”

Beth turned around and looked at her sisters. “I get you all don’t get to see me in the field often but I’ve seen a lot on surveillance and if I say so myself, I’m phenomenal at my job. I put a scale, baggies and five hundred grams of weed in her kitchen in plain sight from the back door. We need to know who the people in high places are. She’ll either be taken in tonight by police officers or someone else is going to keep her out of jail.”

Winnie stared at her sister. “You’re freaking brilliant. Wait...did we have weed in the car all the way up here?”

Beth rolled her eyes. “Of course not. Someone in town owed me a favor and was more than happy to borrow some for me.”

“Borrow some?”

Winnie turned to Remi, shushing her and pointing. A dark brown sedan pulled up to the curb within five minutes. Winnie grabbed some binoculars so she could see who got out better. A man in a suit exited the car and walked up to the house. Average height with graying hair. He was a little thicker with a paunch hanging over his belt, pushing his jacket open. Winnie thought he looked familiar but she wasn’t sure where she recognized him from.

Beth had taken her camera and was snapping pictures of the car and the man getting out and walking to the door.

Winnie wasn’t sure what was going on but she knew there was more to Gnat than she’d thought. Remington had a pair of binoculars trained on the front door and was watching. He’d been in the house about five minutes before he exited. Remington gasped as he walked toward his vehicle. Beth continued taking pictures.

“Guys, this just got a little more complicated,” Remington said.

“Why?” Winnie asked. What could be more complicated?

“Sarah, do you recognize him? I’m right, aren’t I?”

“Yep. Remington had me do deep dives on the guys before they did security with us. I’ll want to confirm when I get my computer on at the room but I’m almost positive that’s Bear and War’s ex-chief of police.”

“Friggin’ hell. The same chief of police all the guys were positive was dirty but they couldn’t prove? Now we’re going to have to let the guys know what we did,” Remington growled.

Friggin’ hell was right. Bear wasn’t going to be happy but also, what were they going to do? How did Gnat and the guys’ ex-chief get tied up together and how long had it been going on?

“I’m not looking forward to sharing it so I say we have a good night’s sleep then do some power shopping. I have a feeling no one is going to be happy with us after we come clean.”
