Page 68 of Bear

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“You may kiss the bride.”

Benton leaned over, claiming her lips for the first time as husband and wife. It was too short but having kids, she realized it was a norm now.

“Now, this is a joyous day because we not only celebrate the wedding of Benton and Winchester, but we’re celebrating them joining their lives officially with the children Phoebe Lisa, David Ross and Joey Matthew. Now, all the official stuff is taken care of but I want to ask Phoebe and David, do you want to have Benton and Winchester as your mommy and daddy forever and ever?”

Winnie could hear multiple sniffles from their family. David nodded but Phoebe leaned over and whispered in his ear. His face scrunched up and he shook his head at her. She widened her eyes and nodded her head. He shook his head then turned to the judge.

“Yes, foreva.” David leaned his head against her leg.

The judge hid a smile then waited on Phoebe.

“Yes, I want them forever but I hoped we could get an adoption present out of it.”

Laughter spilled out of the guests. When they’d quieted enough, the judge continued.

“By the power of the state of Kansas, I announce to you the Carter family.”

Yells, whoops, and clapping filled the room.

Winnie breathed a sigh of relief. She and Benton were officially married and the kids were theirs. Benton handed her Joey then pulled his sleeve up. He got down on one knee so the kids could see. Winnie bent down because she wanted to see, too.

“Remember I told you how Mommy brought the sun into my life and then you, my little lightning bugs, brought light, too?”

Phoebe and David nodded. “Well, I decided besides having you in my life, I wanted to always carry you around with me no matter where we’re at.” Benton turned his arm so they could see his new tattoo. “See, here’s Mommy and here are all of you, the little lightning bugs circling the sun.”

Benton caught both the kids as they threw their arms around him. His face turned toward her, his eyes full of tears. He mouthed thank you to her but he didn’t realize she owed him the thanks. Sure, she’d chased him but he had to be willing to face his past so they could be whole together. She’d always be thankful for her man’s soft center filled with love for his family.

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Winnie finished thelast curl in Phoebe’s hair then handed her the mirror so she could see the back of her hair. Remington had wanted them all matching so Phoebe had a miniature version of the bridesmaids dress with her jean jacket on. The rest of the bridesmaids had the dress on. Remi and she were the only ones with the property cuts on, though.

Bear and she had been married three months. Phoebe was attending school and doing great. The construction was scheduled to be started on the daycare within the Franks offices and Sarah would be overseeing hiring people when it was finished. Their house and Remi and War’s had been completed. While Remi and War went on a short honeymoon, both households would be moved.

Kennedy had decided to live with them for awhile since they’d made her a suite with a separate entrance but was still part of the house. She was figuring out what exactly she wanted to do. She’d been attending therapy and working through her issues. Winnie personally thought she had a serious admirer as often as he visited their house but Kennedy wasn’t sharing.

Winnie looked at her gorgeous older sister. Who knew when they were decorating War’s bike where it would lead to? Remi’s dress was a stunning white A-line silhouette with a black lace bodice overlay. The skirt was an asymmetrical white satin with a black lace underlay edge.
