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Some islands were close enough to be connected by quickly assembled swaying bridges, others only by boats we built.

Azazel constructed a large wooden house for me and the child I was about to give birth to, our third. A couple hundred years after having Beth, we had a boy whom we named Marcus. And now I was pregnant again, hoping for another girl.

It was strange, because Beth and Osiris had also given birth, making Azazel and me grandparents, even though we didn't look a day over thirty, and here I was, a grandma, about to give birth.

Technically, Beth and Osiris were cousins, but only technically, because the seven princes had never been blood related. Neither had their fathers been nor their fathers. It was a strange concept. Just as strange as being a pregnant grandma, but we were all slowly adjusting and getting used to this wonderful new life.

The planet was large, and Grigori and his mate had taken off with a few others a couple of years ago, and we hadn't heard a word from them since, but they liked to explore, and I was sure they would resurface one day.

"Are you sure you don't mind doing this yourself? I could get some servants…"

"I'm only cooking a meal," I assured Azazel. He and the other princes had a harder time doing things themselves instead of calling on servants for every little thing, but they, too, were adjusting nicely.

"A meal for eight people," Azazel pointed out.

"Family," I corrected, adding the last pieces of fruit to the salad. "If you're so concerned, you can slice those vegetables over there and add them to the pot." I pointed at an assortment of root vegetables we had found quite edible.

A few minutes later, I leaned back against the wooden wall in our kitchen, a kitchen Azazel had built with his own two hands, and watched my mate cut the veggies into a small dice.

Life was strange, I mused. Born to riches, I had been elevated to a princess, and now I lived in what some would consider a primitive cottage in the middle of a tropical paradise, happier than I had ever been or thought possible.

My love for him warmed me from deep inside my soul and I called out to him, "I love you."

He looked up and our eyes met. "I love you too, Fay."

