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"I hope you won't be disappointed," I whispered back one night. "What if it is a girl?"

"It won't be," he declared optimistically. "The firstborn baby in my family has always been a boy, followed by many girls."

I smiled. I had yet to meet his sisters who were all married and lived either at Gryck's court or at different strongholds. One, I had learned, had even left to live in one of the many towns farther inland.

"Gryck is toying with the idea of creating more warlords to oversee some of the continuously sprouting new towns," Brogan confided. "Fjorn will make an excellent warlord."

Fjorn was married to Brogan's sister who lived in one of such towns.

Brogan and I talked every evening in bed, when we were alone, but by unspoken agreement both of us studiously avoided the topic of the looming threat of the Terran Confederation.

Days turned into weeks, and we hadn't heard anything from Kendryx or Chrissy, which I supposed was normal, since the journey over the Dark Sea alone took a week.

I didn't voice my worries, but I was sure they weren't far from Brogan's and the others' minds as well. For all we knew, the ship carrying Chrissy and Kendryx could have capsized in one of the famous storms ravaging the Dark Sea especially during the cold season. The more days passed, the tenser our moods became.

Drones were still coming in, although not through Grymburg after we shot them down for days. They had, however, been spotted across the land and Gryck was offering rewards for every drone shot down. Word spread, even during the cold season, and Gryck's coffers were emptying quickly to pay out the promised rewards. Still the drones kept coming, cataloging our lands, mapping roads and towns while their headquarters planned our demise.

With that hanging over our heads, it was hard to rejoice in anything, even my pregnancy.

"As soon as the weather gives a hint of warming up, I want you to accompany the first trek into the mountains," Brogan said, and my heart sank.

I didn't want to be separated from him, but it wasn't only me I had to think about. Besides, and here I swallowed, it was Brogan's heir I carried. Should something happen to Brogan, it would be our son who would one day assume command of Grymburg.

"Cassair will be with you," Brogan added, and I imagined Cassair had been as unhappy about this as I. "He is the only one, besides you, I trust to raise our son right."

Tears stung my eyes.

"Don't cry, czira. Nothing will happen to me, but as a warlord, I have to plan ahead,” Brogan said, pulling me closer to him.

My lips found his warm flesh, and I kissed the hard muscles of his chest before I lowered myself to gain access to the hard plates of his abdomen.

"Alahna, what are you doing?"

It was usually him initiating our lovemaking, but it had been days, ever since I told him I was carrying his child actually, that he had touched me more intimately. Since Damaris wasn't shy about talking about these things, I already found out that Brogan not wanting to touch me had nothing to do with me, but the growing child inside me. Thyres were superstitious people and one of their myths was that pregnant women shouldn't participate in intercourse during a pregnancy. They believed it would risk giving birth to a deformed baby or loss of the pregnancy altogether.

Damaris and I had laughed about this fable and imagined that a wife who hadn't wanted her husband's touch had probably invented this rumor and it had been picked up by others who preferred a sexless marriage.

"It's safe," I assured him. "Trust me."

"Ahlana, nyck, we can't," he groaned as I freed his already hard cock from his pants.

I looked up at him. "Brogan of Grymburg, I won't stop. This is safe for the baby. And we both need this."

He sat up to gently push me off him, but he was too late. As soon as I stopped talking, I put part of his massive cock into my mouth and began to suck.

"Ahlana," he protested, weaker now.

"Shh, trust me," I mumbled around his cock, enjoying the power I had over this big, strong man.

With a groan, he pulled me up and claimed my mouth with his. I clung to him with all my might, too aware of the threatening danger hanging over us.

"I love you." He mumbled as his lips began to trail down my throat and his hands roved my body.

"I think these have grown." He chuckled, appreciatively cupping my breasts, which had indeed grown and become much more sensitive to his touch.

I moaned, relishing the sensations he awakened in my body that I had been missing for the last few days. My pussy was already soaking wet, had been that way from the moment I put his cock in my mouth.

"I need you, Brogan," I mumbled, burying my hands in his thick, black hair and mussing it.
