Page 19 of Wicked Games

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“And you’re a transfer? Where did you go to school before this?”

“A community college in Los Angeles. I wasn’t”—I searched for the right words without giving away too much—“sure where I wanted to go, so a local college seemed best last semester.”

“I’m glad you’re here now. This semester just got a whole lot more interesting.”

See? Player.But for some stupid reason, I was all in.

He lifted a wavy strand of my hair, rubbing it between his fingers, his eyes boring into mine. A shiver raced over my body, and he’d only touched my hair.

“Want to go somewhere a little more private?”

So many red flags and warnings went off in my head. It was insanely ridiculous, but I couldn’t resist stepping out of my comfort zone and listening to what my body wanted, despite the flares shooting off in my mind. “Yeah, sounds good.”



Silky strawberry-blond strands hung down Winter’s back, brushing along the tops of my hands as I gripped her hips. The press of her body against mine clouded my judgment, and I lost the purpose of bringing her to my room while the party raged on beyond my closed door. Everything about her tempted me physically. Mentally, I was repulsed. The two warred until one outweighed the other.

We stood just inside, and I crowded her against the wall, needing to feel more of her. Craving her. When I touched her, zaps of electricity trailed from the connection and traveled through my body. I bent and brushed my lips against hers. A gasp slipped from her lips, parting them, and I took advantage, deepening the kiss just enough to tease her into wanting more.

My head buzzed, drugged by how good she tasted. When she had nowhere else to go, I cupped her ass and lifted. Her legs automatically wrapped around my waist, and I groaned as I pressed against her heat. Clothes were a fucking barrier I wanted to get rid of. I didn’t. Some part of my mind stayed on task.

Lure her in. Seduce her. But don’t go too fast.I needed a plan, and I didn’t have one yet. She moaned, and my body hardened impossibly more. Just a few more minutes, then I would back off.

How she kissed told me she knew damn well what she was doing. All soft and willing, she was an aphrodisiac. I couldn’t get enough. Her tongue tangled with mine, vying for supremacy. When I nipped at her bottom lip and eased the sting with a swipe of my tongue, she moaned and melted against me. I swore the sound went straight to my dick, currently trying to punch out of my pants to get to her.

I held onto one of her jean-clad thighs and cupped the back of her neck with my other hand, my fingers tangled in those soft strands. I wanted to wrap them around my fist and guide my dick past those full, decadent lips. Soon.

I would do so many things with Winter. She had no idea. She didn’t even know my name. I’d seen that blank look in her eyes when she’d pretended to remember me. She had no clue who I was, and I would use that to my advantage.

I tugged on her hair, tilting her head to the side and breaking the kiss. With her neck exposed, I pressed open-mouthed kisses along the gentle curve. She squirmed against me, and I swore I saw stars. I’d never wanted to plunge myself so deep into someone as I did her. I had to stay aware and not lose myself in my desire for her. But goddamn, I’d never held someone in my arms that smelled, tasted, or felt as incredible as Winter. I wanted to devour every part of her. In time, I would.

The more I touched her, the harder I found it to extricate myself from her deadly web. She wiggled again, and I groaned. I sucked in air, trying desperately to regain some semblance of composure from the spell she’d wound around me. I was sick. Part of me was dying for more, excited because the girl who’d almost broken me was falling apart in my arms. And this, with her, was the best I’d ever experienced from a simple kiss and some groping. No other girl—not even Tracey—had made me lose my head so fucking fast with a need greater than my will.

With that thought, I tore my lips from her willing body and dropped my forehead to hers. I used my body to hold her in place, my hand tight on her thigh and her hair wound around my fist so she couldn’t protest my decision. Our breaths crashed together as we wrestled for control. Seconds passed before my head was clear enough to form a coherent sentence.

I needed a plan, and falling into bed with her right then wasn’t it. I wanted her to fall for me, then I would destroy her—somehow.

“We hardly know each other.” Inside, I cringed at how much of a poser I sounded like. “I don’t want to take advantage of you or for you to regret anything.”

I shifted to put enough space between us that I could see her expression, thanks to the moonlight spilling through my window. Disappointment registered on her face, but so did a softer emotion. I couldn’t tell what, but I liked to think it was gratitude. I already knew she was attracted to me—but I wanted the rest, including her fucking heart and soul.

“Let me walk you home.” Because there was no way in hell I wanted her to stick around and have some other asshole hit on her. I’d laid the groundwork, and I would reap the rewards.

“I don’t live far. I’ll be okay to walk by myself.”

“It’s not safe. Let me go with.”

At her nod, I released her thigh, and her legs slid slowly down my body. I held in my groan at the feel of her. The loss of her body against mine was sheer torture. I threaded our fingers together and tugged her with me.

We left my room, and I led the way so she wouldn’t get bumped into. It was still packed inside, and I suspected it would be until almost dawn. Phoenix would have been furious if he were still there. The thought made me smile. I wiped it away as soon as we were outside, on the path, and walking side by side.

“I want to see you tomorrow.”

She grinned. “You’re seeing me now, and it’s almost tomorrow.”

“Not what I meant.” I squeezed her hand, resisting the urge to twirl her in front of me so I could kiss her again.
