Page 44 of Wicked Games

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“Clothes.” I wanted them off.

Strong hands gripped my hips, and he lifted me off him with ease, stood, then pulled his T-shirt off. His jeans and boxers were next, and I sucked in a breath at his size. Long and thick, he would feel amazing inside me, and another wave of heat swept through my core. Wetness saturated my panties, and I didn’t even care that he would feel it. Maybe he would move faster. Waiting for him to touch me again was excruciating.

I motioned to Piper’s desk. “In that dish in the corner, there’re condoms.”

His brows rose. “Should I ask?”

“They’re Piper’s, but she’ll share.”

He grabbed a condom then tossed the wrapper to the floor with the rest of his clothes. His hair was mussed from having my fingers in it, and he looked sexier than I’d ever seen him. I shifted, desperate to run my hands over his sculpted body. He wasn’t having it, though.

He leaned over me, one arm encircling my waist, and brought me close. Then he hooked a finger in the waistband of my pajama pants and panties. He inched them down way too slowly, a knowing grin curving his mouth as I urged him to go faster. The trail of his fingers over my bare skin heightened my awareness and had me craving all sorts of wicked things. One final tug and he yanked them free of my body. Then his weight was over mine.

I ran my hands over his chest, exploring how his muscles bulged and dipped beneath my touch. His biceps flexed as he held himself on top of me. I could feel his length against my thigh, and I wanted to shift to bring him closer, but he held me in place.

There was so much I wanted to do, but I gave in to how he made me feel and his control over my body. He knew where to touch, and I buried my hands in his hair as he pressed open-mouthed kisses along my neck to my shoulder. His teeth sank into the sensitive area between my neck and shoulder, driving me wild.

My core throbbed, and I squirmed beneath him, not above begging to get what I wanted. “Landon, please.”

He chuckled against my skin, and when he lifted his head, raw hunger stared back at me. Knowing how I affected him and how much he wanted me was powerful and heady.

Then we were skin to skin, and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he pressed against my entrance. A moan escaped my lips as he pushed inside, the sound ending with a gasp as he thrust deep. I lost myself to the feel of him as he pounded into me. I met his every move.

Gripping his back, I loved the feel of his strength beneath my fingers and was greedy for more. He was insatiable as he moved over me and in me. My stomach clenched hard, desire pooling low in my gut. I gasped when he slid a hand down my stomach to dip between my folds and brush against my swollen clit. It didn’t take long until I tightened around him. I cried out from the sensations exploding inside me. His mouth covered mine, swallowing how I screamed his name as I came.

He thrust harder, deeper, his moan vibrating against my skin. It didn’t take long until he followed my climax with his own. Then he collapsed on top of me, his body heavy and welcoming on mine.

When he grew too heavy, I pushed at his chest, and he rolled to his side, taking me with him. We lay there for a few minutes, catching our breath before he got up to dispose of the condom. I followed, using the bathroom when he left it. Then I was back in bed and his arms, my head resting on his chest while his fingers trailed soothing circles on my back.

We said no words. They weren’t needed. My body and mind were languid and content. I tangled my legs with his, and it wasn’t long before I fell into a deep sleep.



One side of my body was insanely overheated. I peeled my eyelids open in confusion. Everything from last night rushed back.I had sex with Landon.My heart raced.Whoa. I can’t believe I did that.

Pressed against his hard, muscular chest, I didn’t dare move. I wasn’t ready to face him—the things we’d done. How I’d fallen apart in his arms. I bit back a moan, my body softening and preparing for him all over again at the mere memory of last night.

I tilted my head back to see his face. Dark stubble shadowed his strong jaw and those eyelashes—I wished mine were as dark and long as his. He was peaceful and looked like he needed to sleep for a month, so I lazily studied him. I wanted to trace my finger over his high cheekbones, the slight crook in his nose that hinted at a former break or two, and his firm lips that made me melt with the memory of them all over my body.

He had one muscular arm thrown over my waist.Did he hold me throughout the night?I didn’t know why I was freaking out. I had a hot guy in my bed and a memory that even then made me want to wake him and do it all over again. I should be doing that. Instead, I eased away like a wet noodle as I slowly rolled myself out of bed. Once free, I waited to see if he woke. When his chest continued to move at the same slow, steady pace, I tiptoed to the bathroom Piper and I shared with our suitemates.

I took my time brushing my teeth then secured my hair on top of my head so it didn’t get wet when I rinsed off in the shower. As I lathered soap in my hands, my mind spun. It wasn’t like I was a virgin. I’d lost my v-card in high school to a boy just as inexperienced as I was. But with Landon, we were on another level—it scared the shit out of me.

I shut off the water and toweled dry before putting on lotion and panties.Maybe he’ll be gone when I go back to my room.I eased the door open and peeked around it. He was still asleep. Part of me was thrilled, and that was what I decided to go with as I carefully climbed back into bed with him.

He threw off heat like my own personal heater, and soon, I drifted back to sleep snuggled against him.

It wasn’t until my alarm went off that I stirred awake. Sunlight streamed through my room and glowed behind my closed eyelids. I slowly blinked, realizing I must have fallen asleep for another hour. My hand flattened against the still-warm sheet where Landon had been. He must have woken after I’d passed out for the second time. We both had classes, so I assumed that was where he’d gone.

I couldn’t stop the grin as I stretched before flinging off the covers and sliding my feet over the edge. It was uncharacteristic of me, but I wanted to know what we were, not that we had to put a label on it. Friends seemed realistic, at least.But are we more?I had no idea. I didn’t want to have a boyfriend when I lived with my foster family.Do I now?I kind of did.

I pulled clothes out of my dresser, accidentally kicking something. A wallet was on the floor by my bed. It had to be Landon’s. Curiosity always beat my good sense, so I opened it and checked his driver’s license.

His picture stared back at me, and…What the fuck?His name wasn’t Landon. It was Shane Bennett. A long-forgotten memory fell into the forefront of my mind, one where I’d said, “St-St-Stupid Stuttering Shane.” The memory was foggy, but I distinctly recalled Stuttering Shane.

Why would he lie about who he was to me? Why call himself Landon?The image of the boy—Shane—flashed again through my mind, unlocking a part of me I didn’t want to face.

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