Page 26 of No Mercy

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Her eyes, full of sadness, meet mine. “Ilovedhim.”

“Loved?” My heart pounds, wishing it were true, but it seems too soon for her heart to be open for me.

“I may always love him.” She sits up, her eyes watering. “He saved me, Gabriel. Without him, I wouldn’t have survived my father.” Her chin wobbles, and I want to take away her pain and kick the ass of every man who hurt my girl.

I cup her cheek, holding her face and kiss away the tears. “It’s okay.”

She nods, her eyes pleading. “I thought he was it. I thought he was the one.”

My gut twists for her, for me. He should have been. That’s what I had accepted—what she was expecting.

Burying her head in my neck, she cries. I comfort her as best I can, trying to be a friend and not the guy who wants her all for himself.

“He broke something in me. He took what I gave him and shit all over it. He’s so angry. I don’t even know what I did that was so wrong. Why did he turn on me? Why did he cheat? Was I old news—the ball and chain?” Her stream of questions kills me. Questions onlyhecan answer.

“I don’t know, Angel. It’s like he’s become a different person since his injury. We’re not the only ones to notice.”

“He said he cheated before the accident.” Shame lines her words as if it’s her fault. Her admission proves he was spiraling before the accident.

Fuckwad.“He’s an idiot for not holding on to you, Frankie.” I kiss her swollen lips and pull back to capture her glassy eyes. “I won’t make the same mistake.”

She simply blinks in response. I’m not sure she heard me over the thoughts in her head and the exhaustion in her bones.

Quietly, I lay us down, holding her until she falls asleep.

I hope Donovan has some answers for me in the morning. I’ll call him, but first I need sleep. My body is getting sorer by the minute. I didn’t do any of the post-fight care I normally would. I’m going to regret it tomorrow, but my Angel is worth the sacrifice.


The night comes rushing back to me the moment I slip from sleep. The delicious soreness of my underused sexual parts brings a smile to my lips and a flush of heat to my cheeks. But the discomfort around my neck serves as a reminder of where the night started and the state of my life.

“You’re thinking too much for having just opened your eyes.” The morning edge to Gabriel’s voice has me digging deeper into his embrace and breathing him in. He chuckles, his hand pressed to my back. “Did you just scent me?”

I squirm and glance at his smiling face. “Maybe.” I pull away, needing the bathroom and a toothbrush.

He tightens his hold on me. “Maybe, huh?” He’s enjoying this entirely too much. With the ease of a seasoned wrestler, he rolls us so I’m on my back. On automatic, my legs open for him and wrap around him. When his impressive manhood rubs against my core, he moans, “Fuck, Angel.” Closing his eyes, he circles his hips and buries his nose in my neck. His deep intake of air and his exploring mouth have me rocking under him. He kisses up my jaw and pecks my lips, his eyes burning with want. “Good morning.”

A smile teases my lips. “Morning.”

He grinds his hips and stills. “Food.”

What?Who wants food when there’s a sexy beast between my legs?

He brushes my cheek and lips with his fingertips. “If we don’t get out of this bed, I’m going to fuck you all damn day.”

“And that’s a problem… Because…?”

A tender smile softens his rugged features. He presses a kiss to the tip of my nose. “Because you’ll be too sore to walk, much less take me tonight.” He rolls off me and the bed in one fell swoop. “I’m gonna shower and make breakfast.”

Any disappointment I feel is squashed as I watch his fine backside lumber to the bathroom. He looks back and smiles when he catches me. “I’d ask you to join me, but we both know where that would lead.”

I sit up, letting the sheet pool at my waist. His eyes fall to my breasts, and I can feel my nipples pucker under his stare. He turns around, arms bracketing the doorframe, his body filling the space as he takes me in.

Slipping out of bed, his heated gaze fueling my bravado, I walk to him, stopping when my nipples brush his chest and his hard cock bobs between us.

“Angel,” he warns.

“Gabriel.” My tone rasps with want. He thinks I’m trying to seduce him, and maybe a part of me wants to. Actually, a very large part of me wants to. But what I do next isn’t about sex or fulfilling long suppressed carnal desires for the man who’s been a running stream of negativity in my life for the past five years.
