Page 85 of No Mercy

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He doesn’t even pretend to flinch.Ass.

His hand on my hip squeezes as he bends to whisper, “He’s a lucky son of a bitch.” His lips press to my temple. His next words leave in a rush as if he doesn’t mean to say them out loud, “I had you for a minute, but I let you slip away.”

The kiss.I remember. I seriously considered his proposal until the rush of the moment passed, replaced by panic and guilt.

My skin flushes, my eyes dart to the guys to see if they’re paying us any mind. Walker’s gaze locks on mine before jumping to Rowdy, then back to me and down to the ring on my finger. He gives me a quick wink and a nod before his stony demeanor falls back into place.

They don’t understand the bond Rowdy and I share. The rock he’s been for me when I pushed Gabriel out of my life. They’ve known me longer, but out of respect for Austin and Gabriel they’d never get as close as Rowdy has. He knew me first. That makes him more my friend than theirs. He helped me get on my feet again, literally helping me walk out of the hospital despite the staff’s mandate I use a wheelchair. He held me when I cried over Gabriel. Then he held my hair while I puked more times than I care to remember—all because of the gift Gabriel implanted before he left. Rowdy held my hand when I wasn’t strong enough to face my fears alone.

He gave me kindness without expectations.

He believed in me when I couldn’t.

He offered me a future when I feared I’d have none.

No, none of these guys understand the strength of the man standing beside me. Strong enough to love me, knowing I couldn’t love him back in the way he was offering. Strong enough to remain my friend as I plan to marry another.

Yeah, so much for keeping it light.

“You should watch what you say. You’re getting ready to meet that son of a bitch’s mother.” I fight to keep my smile from wobbling for this man who’s come to mean so much to me in such a short time.

Rowdy’s eyes go wide. “Oh, shit.”

We stop moving almost in sync when we reach a nearly empty front row section of seats. Rowdy and I gasp when we realize we havefront rowseats.

“Holy shit,” I breathe out.

“You can say that again.” His surprise gives him a boyish look, softening his strong features.

A few seats in sit two women I’ve met before, but have barely spoken to over the years—given my tumultuous relationship with Gabriel. I guess that’s all about to change.

Rowdy grips my arm. “You’re between me and Sloan. Say hello. Then we sit. It’s almost time.” His eyes apologize for the gruffness of his demeanor. He softens when he adds, “You can talk to them afterwards.”

When I step between Jess and Patrick, they let me pass.

Cheryl Stone is a petite, quiet woman with dark hair and blue eyes like her son. But the resemblance ends there. It’s hard to believe such a big guy came out of her. When she spots me, her face lights up. Popping to her feet, she wraps me in a hug. “It’s so good to see you, Frankie.” Her usually mousy nature is nowhere to be found. But she eyes Jess and Patrick cautiously as they take the seats beside her.

“It’s good to see you too, Mrs. Stone.” I introduce her to Jess and Patrick. Their warm smiles seem to ease her uncertainty.

“Hi, Frankie.” Reese Stone’s velvety voice draws my attention. Her quick hug reminds me how sweet and tentative she is. She’s much taller than her mother, but still has her slender frame, dark hair and matching blue eyes. She’s beautiful in an ethereal kind of way. I envy her lightness. Though her hair is dark like Gabriel’s, she has an angelic quality, making her seem otherworldly.

“I’m so glad you came, Reese. It means a lot to him to have family by his side.” That seems to warm something inside her. She’s always looked up to her older brother by three years. But his worldly ways have skipped her. Her innocence is tangible and lies around her feet like timebombs. Innocence can only last so long. I fear her awakening will be tantamount to WWIII if Gabriel has anything to do with it.

Rowdy directs me to my seat, while he sits between Reese and me. I introduce them and watch as unexpected fireworks erupt.

Oh, Rowdy, don’t fall for this one. She’s off limits like you couldn’t even begin to fathom.

I squeeze his hand and shake my head. He shrugs, smiling, and leans in. “Gabriel found his angel.” His eyes plead with me to not take away his hope. “Maybe I just found mine.”

“Oh, God.” I pat his leg.Not my battle to fight.

Who am I to squash a man’s hope in finding his own happily ever after? Not me. And not Gabriel, if I have anything to say about it. I leave him be to dig his own hole. It’s up to him if it’s a grave or a means to plant a seed that could flourish into something neither of them expects.

I smile at Sloan as he sits on the other side of me while Walker and Landry file in beside him. I wave at Donovan and Lili sitting on the other side of them. I assume the last two seats are for Cap and Warren, Cap’s Vegas gym manager.

My attention roams around the arena as I take in its massive size in awe. It’s nearly packed. Gabriel’s bout is the last fight of the night. I didn’t look to see how many came before his. I only know his is the main event, and I’m filled with warmth and pride knowing he’s made it this far. He’s worked his ass off for this and deserves every accolade bestowed upon him.

When the music changes and the spot lights go crazy shining around the arena, the audience erupts in cheers and screaming fans. They might be cheering for Killer González for all I know, but my heart is racing for one man and one man only.
