Page 55 of Shadows so Cruel

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“Anywhere you want, Galantia.” He reached behind him, grabbing the white cotton before he hurriedly yanked it over his head. “Touch me. I’m all yours.”

All mine.

With his mouth devouring mine, I ran my hands up along the muscles coiling around his ribcage, breathing in his masculine scent of leather and sweat. His powerful shoulders, his strong arms that had pulled me from danger many times. He was so perfectly built, all lean muscle and dense power, one side of him beautiful, the other disfigured.

It was the marred side I preferred best.

Broken, like me.

I focused my touch there, mapping every puckered rise, kissing every valley my lips reached. That was where we met, between our scars—naked, vulnerable, and all lies stripped away. It made us real, the feelings between us tangible, in a way that no farce, no deception ever could.

Sebian fucked into me harder with every kiss. His loss of control was an aphrodisiac, making me lift my hips to meet him, beat for powerful beat, rubbing my clit on the honed muscles of his body. The ecstasy of it once more rose closer to the edge of release, my body starting to tighten and clench around him.

Sebian must have sensed the change in me because he suddenly slowed his thrusts and pressed a tender kiss to my forehead. “Let go for me, sweetheart,” he whispered against my skin. His hips rolled against mine in languid, lazy circles. “I’ll be right there with you.”

The tension that had been building inside me began to melt away under Sebian’s gentle pace. I relaxed into his body, swaying in time with his rocking hips. Pleasure suffused me in waves, rippling through my limbs and tingling across my skin. When release finally came, it washed over me softly, yet completely.

“I’m coming,” Sebian whispered, his cock twitching inside me, kissing me slowly as he spilled his seed. “Mmm, feel me, sweetheart.Fuck, the way your cunt is squeezing my cock right now…”

When the intensity faded, I took a long, slow inhale. “That was beautiful.”

“It was,” he murmured as he rolled onto his back and took me with him, cradling me close to his body until I nestled my head against his chest. He grabbed the nearest blanket and pulled it over us. Beneath it, he continued rubbing my muscles while pressing the occasional kiss to my hair. “One thing’s missing, though.”

I looked up at him. “What?”

A smirk tugged on his lips. “Put your frigid little toes under my calf.”

That lured a soft chuckle from me, making me shift into a better position that allowed me to do just that. “Better?”

“Uh-huh.” Another kiss to my head, then he folded one arm beneath his head, and wrapped the other tightly around me beneath the thick, warm blanket. “I love you.”

“Mmm,” I crooned against his chest, “love you, too.”



Present Day, a copse of trees


I slammed the back of my head against the trunk of the tree beside Galantia’s tent, jaws aching with how I barred my teeth at the full moon in a silent scream. No need to make them aware of my presence. What right did I have to ruin this moment where they enjoyed what they deserved? None.

“Are you warm enough?” Sebian’s voice came muffled through the shadowcloth.

Galantia answered with a sigh.

An innocent little sound, full of calm bliss and contented benevolence. A sound I’d never heard from her lips, not knowing how to cultivate it because I was so… fucking… broken.

Darkness shifted at my core.

Scratching. Scraping.

My fingers fisted around the braided blue ribbons resting in my palm until the shards ofaerymelI’d sewn onto them cut into my flesh, droplets of blood running warm over my knuckles. I needed to get the fuck away from here.

I turned away from Galantia’s tent, hurried steps weaving me around trees toward the rushing river. When I reached the riverbank, I cast one glance over the foaming waters, then took three precautionary steps back.

Shadows writhed on the surface, thin tendrils clinging to the rocky soil on each side, fighting against the current that threatened to wash them away. My attention drifted to the dead stunted firs that lined the river on the other side. They had not been dead the last time I’d come here, had they?
