Page 76 of The Wrong Girl

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“Are you trying to say you don’t have serious feelings for him?”

“It was barely the beginning of something, Tessa. I mean, yes I felt something, but we didn’t even have a chance to get it off the ground before he stomped it out and walked the other way.”

“Well, I’m not walking away, babe. I’m always here for you.”

“What would I do without you? Too bad we can’t get married,” I joked.

“I mean, technically we could, but I’m not interested, babe, no offense. I’m still holding out hope that a Finnish lumberjack will move in next door and sweep me off my feet. Speaking of,” she sat up suddenly. “Let’s see what the market is doing.”

“Ugh, Tessa, no.NoTinder.”

“Oh, come on, it’s fun. It’s not like we’re going to actually meet any of them. I just like to see how many dirt bags are out here acting single, trying to score some vacation booty.”

“I really don’t know why you bother. They’re all dirt bags, whether or not they have girlfriends at home. If they’re on vacation, they’re not looking for anything long term.”

“That’s why the service I provide is unique. I string them along and keep promising to meet up so they don’t have time to hook-line-and-sinker a young, innocent girl that’s not hip to the game.”

“You’re diabolical.”

“It’s too easy,” she snorted. “Ooh, got a live one. Michael here is in town for one week only, and he’s definitely cropped a girl out of this photo. You can see the blonde hair and an arm around his waist. I’m swiping.”

“Tessa! What if that’s like his sister or something? Maybe he’s just a genuinely nice guy looking for love.” Alcohol always softened up my cynical side, but had the opposite effect on Tessa.

“Fuck no, he’s not. He listed the dates he’s in town and even mentioned which condos he’s staying in,specificallythe hot tub. He’s a dirtbag, guaranteed.”

“Fine, happy hunting.” I leaned back in my seat and focused on the long-stemmed glass in my hand.

“Ooh, we matched. Yep, he’s desperate! And he’s here with a group of friends. Okay, you’re involved now. I’m telling him about you.”

“Tessa! Don’t you dare.”

“Oh hush, I’m calling you Jackie. Don’t get your panties in a twist. He thinks my name is Savannah, anyway.”

“Fine, just don’t send him any pictures.”

“Babe, my photos on Tinder aren’t even me. I stole some random girl’s photos years ago. She’s got an entire crew of friends. You’re the blonde.”

“Isn’t that illegal?”

“Meh, who cares? It’s harmless fun.”

“Not to the girl whose identity you stole.”

“She was up here for a ski trip like ten years ago. She’s probably in Ohio, married, with two kids by now. Besides, it’s not like I stole her credit card numbers. I’m just using her photos to con dirt bags on Tinder. It’s a public service. I’m sure she’d approve.”

I didn’t have the energy to dissuade Tessa on a mission, so I just took another sip and stared at the fire while she laid her trap for the unfortunate Michael.



* * *

Ispent most of the day sulking around the house, knowing eventually I had to go to my parents for dinner and pick up Olivia and Ethan. The good thing about me being home, alone and upset, is that I couldn’t sit still. I cleaned and organized the entire house before I left, which included ironing things that had no business being ironed.

I refused to examine how pathetic that was, and focused on how smart Ethan would look at school with all of his tiny t-shirts and jeans neatly pressed.

When I could put it off no longer, I made the short drive to my parents. As always, I was greeted with the homey smells of a meal cooking, and the joyful noise of my kids playing. It still amazed me how much this was a departure from a couple months ago—I hoped I’d never get used to it. Mom had them in the living room playing Jenga, and they taunted each other mercilessly.
