Page 41 of In the Gray

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“Wait,” he said, stilling my hand. “I don’t want to come yet. I like being filled with your cock.”

I groaned. “Fucking hell.”

I wanted to make it last longer too, but Lachlan was winded from the effort, and I definitely was not in the best shape of my life.

“Let me help,” I said, and he practically sagged in relief as I stilled his hips. Readjusting my grip, I fucked upward into him. And damn, it was so good, maybe for both of us because he didn’t even contest the angle or try to match my thrusts. He just let go, surrendering to the moment, and it was gratifying to see him like that.

“You’re gorgeous like this,” I murmured as we fucked earnestly, the sound of our bodies connecting and our moans filling the space between us. “So tight around my cock. Not sure how much more I can take.”

He hummed as he shut his eyelids and wrapped a hand around his shaft, jerking himself sloppily as I drilled my cock into his hole.

“I’m gonna come.” Not a moment later, Lachlan spurted all over my chest and stomach and the sheets. He sank against me, our mouths and tongues meeting in a greedy, frantic kiss.

I moaned into his mouth and fucked him through my orgasm as my balls tightened for an elongated, luxurious moment, then let loose, waves of pleasure rolling through me. Lachlan held on for the ride, lying panting on my chest.

I slowly came back to my senses as my softened cock slid from his ass. My fingernails trailed up and down his spine as he lazily kissed my shoulder. I loved that closeness with him, even if it would end in another minute.

“Thank you for giving me that,” he said against my ear. “It’s been a long time.”

I didn’t ask—I didn’t want to ruin the moment—but I could guess what he meant, whom he was referring to. I gathered his face in my hands, my lips found his mouth, and I kissed him slow and deep. It’d been a while for me too, but nothing this intense, this dizzying, this good.

When he rolled off me, I nearly protested, but I wasn’t sure that would go over well.

He let out a yelp. “Wet spot. Your sheets might be a bit ruined.”

I chuckled as I unfolded my achy limbs from the tent to stand and dispose of the condom, and a minute later I handed him one of two damp hand towels to help clean us up. The cool cloth felt good on my hot skin, but not as good as having him beside me.

As he dabbed uselessly at the damp areas on the sheets, an idea formed on my lips, but I was hesitant to say it out loud.

“Hey.” I reached out to still his hand. “How about you sleep in my bed tonight, and we’ll wash this stuff in the morning?”

When he looked away, I was certain he was formulating the right way to gently let me down, and I cursed myself for even suggesting it. I’d been hoping the idea would appeal to him after our talk, combined with the connection we felt from being intimate —or maybe that was just me. Maybe he still didn’t feel safe with me, and I couldn’t fault him for that.

“I’d like that,” he said, tossing the towel aside and lifting onto his knees. “Besides, I’ll probably fall into a coma as soon as my head hits the pillow.”

I grinned. “Ditto.” I stretched out my hand, and he latched on to my fingers as I pulled him up. He didn’t let go, and we walked hand in hand to my room, my heart thumping unsteadily in my chest at the sweetness of the gesture.

He seemed soothed by my warm, dry covers, and when I cut the lights, he sighed dreamily. He turned away from me, but at the same time his body seemed to shift closer, as if unconsciously needing to be nearer. When my arm hesitantly circled his waist from behind, I held my breath, hoping I’d read him right.

“Night,” he said, and I murmured a response, taking in the mind-boggling gravity of it all: Lachlan showing me that vulnerability tonight. Him wanting intimacy from me.

It made me want to keep him safe and cocooned in my arms for as long as he’d let me. It wasn’t rational, of course. Lachlan needed desperately to stand on his own, but I couldn’t help feeling protective all the same.

Soon enough Oscar joined us, getting cozy at the end of the bed, and it added a layer of insulation to this arrangement that felt strangely right.



“Lachlan will be watching Oscar at my place next month,” Foster said to his parents and his brother, Chase. They were on a three-way video call, and I was trying my best not to fidget as I sat beside him on the couch.
