Page 65 of In the Gray

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I braced my forearm against the wall. I couldn’t breathe. Had I heard him right? Did he mean…as a friend? Or romantically?

“Well, I think that’s probably one of the best things a parent can hear about their child,” Mom said in a watery voice, clearly moved by Lachlan’s declaration. “He’s precious to us, both our sons are, and you thinking so too means the world to us.”

“Thank you,” Dad said, and Chase made some sort of noise in assent. No doubt he’d tease me about this later.

“You’re welcome,” Lachlan said, and then my thoughts drifted off as they said some other things before ending the call.

When the apartment grew silent, I pushed off the wall and walked the rest of the way to the living room.

Lachlan glanced up in surprise. “Hey, I didn’t think… I haven’t finished making breakfast yet.”

“That’s okay.” I cleared my throat. “I heard voices, so…”

“I…probably did something impulsive and stupid, but it’s done now.” His face darkened. Was he referring to his confession? “I answered the call with your family.”

“I know. I heard.” I made it to the couch and sank down beside him.

He frowned. “Are you mad?”

“Hell no. I’m grateful.” My fingers found his jaw, forcing him to look at me. “So…you love me?”

His mouth opened and closed as his flush grew deeper. “You heard that too?”


“I, uh, it just came out.” He was so flustered, and it was endearing. “But I don’t want you to be freaked out or think that means you have to feel the same. I don’t want to lose you. You’re my best friend.”

Fuck, my heart was complete mush over this man.

“Shh…” I pecked his lips and snickered. “Please, let me get in a word.”

He squeezed his eyes shut briefly. “Sorry.”

“It’s so wild, right?” I felt an overwhelming rush of emotion but steadied my breath. I drew a pattern on his knee as I got my thoughts in order. “I know we’ve only known each other a short time, but it also feels longer than that.”

His gaze searched mine. “It does.”

“There’s this undeniable connection we have”—I glanced toward Oscar’s pillow, where he lay sleeping—“all three of us. When I was lying in bed after our shower, I took note of the silence, of my heart still beating. I had made it through one more day, one more episode, and I want to make it through a ton more, with you.”

His breath hitched.

I gathered his face in my hands and looked into his sapphire eyes that were bright and glassy. “And I was afraid what you’d think if I admitted I love you too.”

His eyes softened. “You do?”

“I do.” I pulled him into my arms. “And I don’t want you to leave, even if it might be a good idea for you.”

“I don’t want to go either.” He buried his head against my throat. “But I need to stand on my own two feet. Not that I even have a job yet, but I’ve broadened my search and applied to some other places.”

Well, that was news. “Like where?”

“A couple of restaurants and a drugstore.”

“Okay.” I tightened my arms around him and kissed his head. “So maybe when you get a job—it’s only a matter of time, after all—you start paying rent? I like having you as my roommate. But it’s also okay if that doesn’t feel right or seems like pressure.”

“Can I think about it?” he said against my shoulder.

“Of course.” I laced my fingers through his hair. “There’s no need to make any decisions yet. And I’ll be cool with any choices you make.”

He drew back to look at me. “What happens if the police come knocking?”

I shrugged. “Depends. I’ll fight the asshole in court if I need to.”

“Fuck.” He curled his hand into a fist. “If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have to deal with Clint and his—”

“Hey!” I leaned my forehead against his. “If it wasn’t for you, I would’ve never met the man of my dreams.”

His laugh was muffled. “That might be a little far-fetched. You found me living on the street.”

“What does that matter? It’s about how our hearts connect, how I can be vulnerable in front of you, how you don’t make me feel less than.”

“Fuck, it’s like you’re describing how I feel about you.”

When he rubbed at his eyes, I reached for him. “Hey, what’s going on?”

“I’ve never had that. Someone who has my back, who feels like a true partner.”

I swiped at a tear with my thumb. “Neither have I.”

There was wonder in his eyes when he said, “Really?”


He cupped my face and fit our lips together, and it was as if a kaleidoscope of color exploded behind my eyes. And in that moment, nothing mattered except how his mouth and hands and tongue felt against mine.

It didn’t matter if he decided he needed to go, as long as he didn’t go far.
