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"Okay," she whispers.

I hold the test out to her. "Go pee, bella."

She takes it from me, stumbling toward the private toilet. I pace outside the door, praying to God it's positive, for my sake as much as hers. I've wanted her round with my kid since day one. God knows, I've been trying my hardest to make it happen. But either God doesn't answer prayers from motherfuckers like me, or he's taking his sweet ass time giving me what I want.

The toilet flushes and then Athena steps out with the test wrapped in a piece of toilet paper.

"Here." She thrusts it at me as if she's afraid it might burn her.

I take it, pulling her into my arms at the same time. She comes willingly, resting her forehead against my chest. We stand in silence, holding one another for a long, quiet moment. Those are rare between us. We live for the push and pull. We fucking thrive on it. I find new ways to love her every single time she gets fired up. But in these quiet moments, I find a thousand new reasons to adore her.

"No matter what, I love you," I remind her.

"I love you too," she whispers back. Even now, hearing her say it stills the restlessness in my soul like nothing else. Every damn time she says it, I find joy, shining like a beacon in the darkness of my life.

I glance down at the stick and smile.

Maybe God is answering prayers from motherfuckers like me today, after all.

"Are you ready to look now, bella?"

"We have to wait three minutes. It hasn't been three minutes."

"It has."

"What? No, it hasn't. Wait longer."

"Athena," I chuckle. "We don't need to wait longer. Time is up."

She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. "Maybe we should throw it away and wait for a few more days, Diego. It's probably too soon."

"It's not too soon, mama."

"It might be too soon. How would you know? You aren't a…" Her mouth snaps closed with an audible click, her eyes widening. "What did you say?"

"I said it's not too soon, mama."

"Diego." She grabs my arm, trembling. "Is it…? Are you…? Does that mean…?"

"It is. I am. It does," I whisper. "You're carrying my baby, bella."

She bursts into tears, flinging herself at me.

I drop the test, scooping her up into my arms to rain kisses across her perfect face, more at peace than I've ever been, happier than I deserve, and more in love with her than ever.
