Page 115 of Chasing the Red Queen

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“It will be worth it if Donja is freed,” she said. “I just wish I was as convinced as you that he will find me desirable enough as a partner to give her up. Let us hope these fertility drugs work,” she mused averting her gaze.

“Look at me,” Torin said.

Anna met his gaze.

“I can smell you,” Torin said firmly with a tight brow. “You’re still fertile even without the pills, with them, he won’t be able to keep his hands off you.”

Anna gushed relief. “I hope you’re right.”

“I am, sadly enough, but keep in mind, it may eventually be your death sentence. Once he has a child,” Torin whispered, “and becomes a Sirun, he may not be able to control his blood lust. He’s a sadist, Anna, not an ordinary Iridescent. Please,” he pleaded, “let me force him into battle. When he sees the odds, he may back down.”

“No, she blurted defiantly, “I know that you hear me, but you’re not listening. I may have slowed the inevitable, but just as the Midewiwin prophesized the day I turned twelve, I will die in the arms of the Seventh Miigis.”

Torin’s gaze hardened. “But Scarface is not the Seventh Miigis, he is just like me, a descendent of the seventh, an Affiliate.”

“It matters not,” she smiled weakly, “it was prophesized. Seven will find me, of that I am certain.”

“Not if I can help it,” he growled.

Anna closed her eyes.

Some things in life, are just meant to be.

Painful Reality

In the back seat of the Mercedes, Donja eventually gave up, the fight within her fading. Hours passed, time a blur and with each beat of her heart she felt herself wither. Her tears ceased, as if emotion as well as her freedom had been ripped away. Devastated and hoarse from begging, screaming and pleading, she suffered in silence.

Oh, Makayla, are you alive?

Suddenly, the Mercedes came to stop, all but spilling her to the floorboard. She glanced to the glass wall which separated her from her abductors. Her heart leapt into her throat.

Oh no, is this it? Are they going to kill me?

She heard the front doors open and finding a bit of courage, she sat up and raised her hand to tuck her hair behind her ears. The back door to her left opened and before she could protest, Jonas reached in and seized her, his grip so painful that she cried out as he dragged her into darkness. He spun her, one of his massive arms around her waist, the other manning a flashlight. With her feet dangling and her hands clutching his arm, he traipsed into the night.

Into the woods, he’s going to kill me!

“Please, let me go.” she sobbed, fresh tears streaking her cheeks.

Jonas ignored her. Besieged by terror, Donja heard herself scream, shocked that she could, for her throat felt paralyzed.

Jonas laughed. “Save it, bitch, there’s no one to hear you.”

Minutes later, Donja caught sight of a light in the distance. “Help!” she cried, her voice breaking.

Jonas belched a sickening laugh and then it hit her. The light ahead of them wasn’t someone who could help, but instead their destination. She saw a small dock illumed by a lantern and as they drew near, she heard the slap of waves on the wood pilings. Assuming it was the St. Mary’s River, or perhaps one of the Great Lakes, she listened as a man she could not see, conversed with Jonas. “You guys are late.”

“Shut your trap,” Jonas barked as he stepped onto a motorized, aluminum canoe and threw Donja to the bottom. She squirmed attempting to get up. Jonas sat on one of three boat seats rocking the vessel, then put his foot on her stomach, pinning her to the bottom. She begged and pleaded, but he gave no indication that he heard her. Finally suffering in silence, she succumbed to the misery.

Hours later with the outboard motor humming and the sound of water splashing the canoe, the motor idled down as they floated into a dock. Jonas snatched her up with a tight grip and dragged her from the canoe onto the dock. Lanterns cast an eerie glow on the faces of two Iridescents on the dock. Jonas dropped her with a thud. One of the Iridescents tossed him a roll of duct tape. Realizing her fate, Donja fought, weakly. Jonas back-handed her across the face then bound her hands, ankles and mouth. He seized her and tossed her across his shoulder, marching with squeaky shoes into darkness. She felt his hand on her ass sliding deep between her legs. She kicked with muffled squeals escaping the tape. She tightened her legs to ward off his assault and he laughed, righted her weight over his shoulder and resumed his dirty deed. She tangled her legs around each other, warding off a full-blown assault which so angered him that he smacked her ass mercilessly with the palm of his hand.

God help me…oh please, help me.

They boarded a small jet on a one lane concrete runway. Jonas tossed her into a window seat surrounded by twenty or more Iridescents. She eyed them as they licked at their lips, eyeing her throat as if contemplating a meal. The jet raced down the runway then lifted off. She closed her eyes, suffering with no food or water in twenty-four hours. Later with time a blur, she gazed down at twinkling lights which slowly disappeared, civilization vanquished.

Where are they taking me?

Within four hours, give or take for time was a blur, Donja felt the jet begin its descent. Once it skidded to a stop, Jonas snatched her up and carried out the door to an awaiting vehicle. He brutally forced her into the back seat. Within seconds the opposite door opened. A woman got in, middle aged and built like a runway model with long blonde hair, blue eyes and false eye lashes that fanned her cheeks unnaturally. The vehicle, which Donja realized was a Land Rover, lunged forward and the woman began peeling the duct tape from Donja’s mouth, wrist and ankles.
