Page 131 of Chasing the Red Queen

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Rubio glared.

Antonio smiled, though his eyes revealed bitterness and then in the blink of an eye, he slammed his fist into Rubio’s mouth, rocking his head to one side. “I asked you a question.”

Rubio turned to face him, then spat his gold tooth in a stream of blood to the floor. He eyed Antonio.

Antonio raised a brow. “One last time. Who is your master?”


“Remove his feet from his body,” Antonio commanded as he rose and stepped back to allow an Affiliate well trained in torture to take his place. The Affiliate, with a curved blade held tightly between his teeth, grasped Rubio’s left foot.”

“No wait!” Rubio squealed, as Lisa gasped. “I’ll talk, but I want to live, Antonio.”

Antonio shook his head. “We’ll see about that, but you know I don’t make promises.”

“It’s Garret.”

“Whew!” Antonio nodded with a look to Torin that screamed, ‘I told you so.’ “I can’t say that I’m surprised.”

Rubio coughed, then spat blood-laden saliva to the floor.

“Did he order my daughter’s death?” Antonio asked with a hushed whisper, his eyes distant.


For a moment, Antonio froze, rooted to the hardwood floors, his eyes squeezed tightly. “Why?” he whispered in a hushed tone. “She was a gentle soul, my only child.”

Rubio spat again as if he didn’t hear.

“Tell me why?” Antonio sputtered as he took a step closer.

“Some crazy attempt to save Zaroc.”

“Save him from what?” Antonio barked.


“The killer?” Torin snapped, joining Antonio’s side.

“Yeah, seems he is the Seventh Miigis and has invaded Zaroc’s body.”

“Not possible,” Torin scoffed. The seventh left here a thousand years ago.”

“Wait,” Antonio said, a hand up to silence Torin. “For the sake of argument, let’s say you’re right, that Scarface is the Seventh Miigis and has somehow taken possession of Zaroc. Why would they think that killing Marie would free him of the spirit?”

“They were hopeful that the dying child of a Sirun, one of the seventh’s own direct descendants would become a host for the spirit. It was the perfect plan and they hoped that once Scarface was in her body, that Marie could get close and kill you.”

Antonio gasped.

“It’s true, I swear it,” Rubio mumbled. “Garret hates you and he wanted the last thing you see on this earth to be your daughter, your own flesh and blood, taking your head. It didn’t work, and try as he might, the seventh couldn’t take her body. Now they realize it must be a newborn descendant, or at least that’s what the Midewiwin has predicted.”

“So that’s why they abducted Donja,” Antonio said. “They want to drain her blood, get rid of Torin’s antigens and get her pregnant. Then Scarface can kill the baby and take its body as his own,” he said, eyes on Torin who was foaming at the mouth, fist balled tightly with an overwhelming desire to draw blood. Antonio grasped Torin’s arm just as he lunged for Rubio.

“No, not you,” Antonio glowered, gripping him tightly. “Look around you, this is your new family and they’re watching you. Don’t leave that image in their minds. Let the boys handle him outside,” he whispered. He turned back to Rubio with eyes of fire. “Your death as well as Garret’s will bring me great pleasure,” he grinned wickedly, “and just so you know, blood transfusions to get rid of antigens only works in one out of ten cases. You followed a madman, Rubio, now take that to your grave.”

“No!” Rubio shouted.

Antonio nodded and the Iridescents seized him amid a flurry of wails, spitting blood, and begging for his life. They dragged him across the foyer and out the door which slammed behind them.
