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“She’s hurting, huh?” Donja asked.

“Yeah, really bad and she has to attend this huge family reunion tomorrow.”

Donja raised a single brow. “Hmm, not sure if that’s good or bad.”

“Both, but she’s going out tonight with Becky, a friend of ours, which should lift her spirits. Tomorrow night we’re stepping out for some party time. You should join us. Saturday nights in the big Soo, are wild.”

“The big Soo?”

“Ontario Soo, the big one across the border.”

“Right,” Donja said, “my Mom told me that.”

“It’s gonna be fun, you really should come. It will be Heather’s last night before they move.”

Donja dropped her head as Kevin flashed in her head.

Hope it’s better than my going away party.

Donja raised her head and realized Makayla was waiting on an answer. “Hmm, I’m not sure. Could I think about that?”


An awkward silence settled between them.

“Why don’t we go upstairs and get unpacked?” Makayla blurted.

“Sounds good,” Donja said as she grabbed her phone and checked it. “Ahhh, I have a text from Debbie wanting to know how things are going.”

“Is that your friend that was at the wedding?”


“Miss her?”

“Bad,” Donja said, her fingers flying over the phone. Finished with the text, she joined Makayla and side by side, they sauntered toward the stairs. From within the living room, a grandfather clock which Donja didn’t even realize existed, chimed. They both flinched.

“Holy crap!” Makayla shrieked.

“Do you think we should fetch garlic and holy water before we go up there?” Donja asked staring up the gloomy stairs.

“Might not be a bad idea,” Makayla whispered as if fearful something or someone might hear. “Is this not the spookiest old house you’ve ever seen?”

“Absolutely,” Donja said, “and I’m glad to have you with me. This would be pretty unnerving on my own.”

“I agree,” Makayla said as they took to the stairs. “I’m glad to have you, too.”

A smile played on Donja’s face and in that moment, she felt a weight lifted from her soul, for in Makayla’s eyes she saw what looked like truth. She took a deep breath, climbing the stairs and a bit of hope flowed through her.

Crossed Paths

Cruising down Huron Street beneath the shimmering glow of street lights, Torin slowed his Ferrari to a crawl eyeing the bustling city of the Ontario Soo. He braked as a group of young females oblivious to the dangers took to the streets in spiked heels with miniskirts, cell phones to their ears. He eased forward and at the light, watched as others, male and female alike crowded the busy intersection. Torin scrutinized them especially the males, but none looked out of sort, just typical teens intent on a night of dancing, drinks and fun.

The light changed to green and he took a sharp right, parallel parked and got out. He hit the lock on the remote then headed for the sidewalk where two females stood chatting. They gave him the once over. “Nice car!” One of them called out. “How about a ride?”

“Thanks,” he said, but kept walking despite the look in her eyes which he could read like a book, not to mention her heartbeat which had increased dramatically. He hurried on, no time for females, not that there ever was, he had a job to do, a heartfelt promise to uphold.

Navigating the crowds, he noticed a line of bodies that spanned half a block, waiting for entry to ‘Observers,’ one of the more popular night spots in the Soo.
