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“No biggie, it’ll just be fun to hang out and see the sites.”

“Yes,” Makayla cooed. “I can hardly wait.”


A rataplan of boots in the hallway forced Donja to sit up in bed with a gasp. For a moment, she sat perfectly still unsure of her whereabouts, but seeing Makayla beside her, phone in hand as she texted it all came crashing upon her. She rubbed her eyes with a groggy yawn.

“Good morning, birthday girl.” Makayla smiled.

“Morning,” Donja said, swiping at strands of hair stuck to her cheek. “What’s with the noise?”

“Construction workers. I peeked out, there’s about a hundred of them.”


“I’m excited about shopping.” Makayla beamed.

“Are you?”

“Umm hum. We’re gonna hit ‘Déjà vu,’ my fav beauty salon in the big Soo. You’re gonna love it.”

“I’m excited. Is it nice?”

“Understatement. “I love Michigan but when it comes to shopping and night life, there’s no comparison. Ontario rocks!”


“Oh yeah. There’s a disco called ‘Observers’ that Heather, Becky and I frequent. It’s a little pricey but it has a nice atmosphere with high class, good looking guys, and on weekends they have a really nice band.”

“Who’s Becky?”

“Becky is Heather’s friend, I think I mentioned that she and Heather went out last night. Anyway, we don’t hang a lot, but I like her. She and Heather are close. They live next door to each other.”

“And this club, you can get in at seventeen?”

“Umm hmm, you just can’t buy liquor, but the dancing’s nice and like I said, there are some really hot guys.”

“Hmm, they might not like my style.”

“Then change it, you’re an incredibly beautiful girl and you don’t have to hide anymore. I can be your shield from your mental insecurities and you my dear, can be Prozac for mine.”

Donja laughed. “One misfit saving another huh?”

“Well you know what they say, two halves make a whole,” Makayla mused with spiked brows and a thin grin that widened to a contagious smile. “You lose the makeup, I lose the pills and we both win.”

Donja laughed, tucking her hair behind her ears. “You got a way with words I’ll give you that.”

Makayla’s eyes suddenly narrowed, studying Donja’s face. “You know, some dark shadowing on your outer eyes, some layers in your hair and a glossy lipstick…oh and I almost forgot, a tight skirt and stilettos hot off the runway in Paris,” she smiled knowingly with a glint in her eye. “Trust me, you’ll soon forget heavy goth, cause honey child, with your looks, you’re gonna have guys swarming you like bees.”

Donja laughed though suspicion and doubt plagued her. “I don’t know. I’m not a glitzy gal.”

“And I’m not just speaking inanely to hear my head rattle, come on girl, it’s a fact!”

“I don’t know, glitter and glam. I’d be a fish out of water, it just wouldn’t feel right.”

Anyway, I like goth.

“How do you know, have you ever tried it?”
