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“Torin, answer me,” she glowered. “Is the usual what you and your consort usually drink?”

His eyes narrowed.

“Answer me,” she snapped with the pain of betrayal once more ravaging her heart. “Are you confused which one of us you’re with?”

He strummed his fingers atop the table.

“You coward,” she breathed with a tight lip. “Admit it, I’m nothing more than your latest whore?”

He cocked his head as if oblivious to her misery. “Arrivederci Roma,” he mused as he closed his eyes.


He met her fiery gaze. “The song that’s playing, it’s Goodbye to Rome. Would you like to dance?”

“No!” She slammed her hand to the table. “And why are you ignoring me? It’s annoying as hell!”

He lurched across the table and seized her arm. “Temper, temper,” he said. “Your pupils have dilated, and I can detect your pulse, its bounding.”

Donja dropped her head, fearful of her response. He was right, her pulse was pounding in her temples. She fought for control.

My God, what’s wrong with me? Do I have a scarlet brand on my forehead…use me…hurt me…? I’m…

“Look at me,” he said, drawing her from the depths of misery.

She raised her head and the seriousness of his face caused her breath to catch in her throat.

“My consort died two hundred years ago.”

The disclosure hit her like a ton of bricks. “Died?”

“Yes, and I would be still with her if she would have crossed over, but she refused to relinquish her humanity. So, put your mind at ease, I’m single and if I have breath in my body, you will never be a whore.”

Rueful, with the rug jerked out from under her, Donja dropped her head.

The waiter served their drinks in golden steins. Motivated by curiosity as well as thirst, Donja took a sip, sorting his words in her mind. Something felt off, it just didn’t add up. Fighting her insecurities, she took another sip. It was wonderfully minty with a particularly crisp taste that reminded her of a bright summer day. She held the stein to her lips, gazing at him over the rim and in that moment, she buried Kevin once and for all.

I will not be used…never again.

She lowered the stein, unsure what to say. Indecisive, she raised it and took another sip, and with his eyes upon her, asked. “What is this?”

“It’s my favorite drink, and I call it the usual.”

“The usual,” she chided, “I’m sorry but that doesn’t make sense. You said this club was for Iridescents and their consorts so—”

“If I don’t have a consort why would I come here? Is that what you’re asking Donja? Is it the thought of another female forcing the blood to pulse your jugular, because it’s beautiful, I won’t lie, it’s enticing as hell, warms my heart to think you feel that way, but let me assure you, it’s uncalled for?”

Taken aback that he could read her so perfectly, she dropped her head.

He leaned across the table and took her hand gently, his thumb stroking the soft underside of her wrist. “I come here once a month, alone for Council meetings and that waiter knows my preference. His name is Adam and his consorts a lovely girl named Loren. We socialize, his brother, Val, is my best friend. Should I introduce you, put your mind at rest?”

Remorseful, she shook her head. “No, that won’t be necessary,” she whispered wishing she could take it back.

“I don’t know who shattered your self-esteem in the past,” he said, “but I’m damn glad he did because I get to pick up the pieces, and girl, they’re priceless. Look at me,” he commanded.

Donja raised her head and his eyes robbed her of breath. “You take a back seat to none and I know you don’t believe that,” he whispered, his voice wrapping around her, “I can sense your doubt, it’s measurable.”

Donja dropped her head.
