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“I think so, this is just overwhelming, and I’m so confused. It’s so hard to have everything you’ve believed your entire life suddenly ripped away in forty-eight hours.” She sat up in his lap as the storm within in her dissipated.

He pitched back, watching her with tears still shimmering in her eyes. “I would never hurt you.”

“Maybe not, but I’m scared, Torin. I feel trapped and though I know what must be done to save myself and my family, I’m terrified.”

He wiped at her face. “I’m sorry, but it can’t be changed, and I…” he paused, “lied.”

“Lied?” she whispered hauntingly.

“Yes, I led you to believe you had a choice in this, but you don’t. I must have you, Donja, your scent resides within me, the taste of your skin, and I need you—like the air that I breathe, I fought it, I really tried,” he whispered, his mysterious eyes revealing an inner conflict. He shuddered, violently.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong, believe me it’s right, but more than that, it’s shocking to hear from my own mouth.”


“That I need you. I’ve waited so long,” he whispered, his dark eyes sparkling, “and to be honest, I’m afraid to say…I’m scared.”

“You’re scared?” she whispered, staring into his eyes.

“Yes, terrified of getting what’s left of my heart, shattered.”

“Are you saying that you need me, not just for a child, but for me?”

“Yes, just for your heart, nothing more. “There, I’ve said it again, said what I never thought I would. I need you, Donja.”

“But you just met me. How can you know that?”

“I’ve known you forever…I just couldn’t find you.” He wiped at her cheek, smoothing her hair and then he moved in, with the overhead orb illuminating his face and softly brushed her lips. He pulled back and they shared a look. Donja blinked, an intense warmth teasing her senses. She held her breath as if terrified of losing the moment, then finally exhaled, her heartbeat pounding her temples. He didn’t move, he just sat there.

She raised her hand and with her fingers, caressed his beard, so soft, so masculine. A moan escaped her and with fluttering eyes she imagined it brushing her skin. She trailed a finger to his mustache, gently tracing the dark line that framed his curvaceous lips. She felt herself gravitating, something in his eyes, something more powerful than before and though part of her screamed of danger, an even bigger part of her no longer cared. She kissed him gently, the feel of his lips, soft and sensuous. She felt his hands on her shoulders, caution thrown to the wind as she kissed him again, then pulled back shaking with desire. She searched his face for resistance, but none existed. She searched harder and everything about him, every detail pulled her in. She kissed him harder, melting upon him. She felt him tremble and as his lips parted and she tasted him, her hands found his face.

He shuddered, then moaned in her mouth as if a little was not enough. His hands found her waist. He tightened his grip, his tongue like liquid fire as he cupped her hips, pulling her tighter.

Her body blazed with an intense yearning so powerful, that she tangled her fingers in his hair, meeting him stroke for stroke. Her breaths came in hurried pants, the extreme warmth of his skin fusing their bodies.

Suddenly, he pulled back, peeling her hands from his hair. “Look at me,” he said. You’ve got me on fire and I can no longer control what I am.”

She opened her eyes, then froze in awe of his transformation.

“This is the real me,” he said, his voice innately deeper. “This is the part of me that needs your blood, it’s what I am…a beast.”

Donja dropped her head.

“Look at me,” he growled. “I’m a Predator, Donja…a deadly Iridescent predator.”

Donja raised her head. “I don’t believe that…you’re not evil.”

“But I could be, I’m inches away from it right now.”

“I don’t understand,” she whispered.

“Just look at you,” he groaned with trembling lips, “innocent eyes beneath those sweeping lashes, welcoming me in.”

Donja’s eyes narrowed, her heart stampeding.

“You won’t—”
