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Yong Chung nodded sagely. “That is the way it should be.”


His father watched him squirm. Just like Uncle Eddie, his dark eyes seemed to look straight into Luke’s soul and unearth his darkest secrets. “Is there something specific you would like to talk about?”


He nodded. “I found it strange that you asked me to keep our meeting secret from your mother.”

“That’s because I was hoping you could help me tell her.”

“Tell her what?”

Luke folded his hands together. “I met someone.”


“A woman.”

Yong Chung pursed his lips. “So I guessed.”

“She’s beautiful, kind and smart. I admire her, think highly of her. She’s incredible, Dad.”

His father arched an eyebrow. “You are approaching the age to settle down. Why not formally introduce her?”

“She’s black.”


His knee bounced beneath the table. Reading his father’s face had always been a challenge. Whether he was happy, sad or angry, Yong Chung wore the same expression.

Finally, his father spoke. “How black?”


“How black is she?”

“I don’t know.” Luke lifted one shoulder. “Regular black?”

“Why would you tell me this?”

“Because she’s someone very special to me and, eventually, I would like to introduce you.”

His father pushed away from the table. “Continuing to see this girl means you will face challenges from our family. Do you realize that?”

“I’m aware of how our family will react. That’s why I came to you first. To find an understanding before I bring her to a gathering.”

“Don’t do that just yet. Give me time to think about this.”


“I need to go.”

Luke watched his father run from the restaurant. He had never seen Yong Chung sprint that fast for anything. Not even when his mother was about to give birth to his younger brother and needed to be rushed to the hospital.

“That was a disaster,” he mumbled. Ashanti’s face popped into his mind. “She’s going to get even more stubborn about this.”

“Sir?” A waitress touched his shoulder. “Are you ready to order?”
