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“Right.” She laughed awkwardly.

“Sounds like an interesting book. What’s the name of it? I’d like to read it sometime.”

Read a book that didn’t exist? Ashanti panicked and yelled into the phone, “Hello? Dad?” She made a whooshing noise. “I can’t hear you. You’re breaking up.”


She pressed the END button and thrust the phone to her chest. Normally, her father’s words brought her clarity, but this time she was left more confused than ever.

There was no way she had feelings for Luke beyond friendship. Was there?

Chapter Seven

Luke’s phone buzzed with another message. His hand stopped. Fingers gripped the cloth he’d been using to wipe a table down. The device vibrated again. He didn’t bother taking it out.

Over the past few days, his parents had blown up his phone with texts and calls, demanding to know what they had done to deserve this dishonor and if he was serious about dating a black girl.

They called him self-centered. Ungrateful. Useless.

They warned him that society would never accept their union.

Last night, his mother had called and cried over the line, asking why he didn’t love them. She demanded he choose between his girlfriend and his family, threatening to cut him off so that he was no longer their son.

Luke could have told them he had let Michelle go, but something in him refused to get the words out. Maybe it was the vestiges of teenaged rebellion. Maybe it was because he still liked Michelle and couldn’t lie to them.

Whatever the case, he did his best to reason with his parents.

No, he didn’t hate them.

No, this wasn’t about choosing sides.

Yes, he liked a black girl and was serious about her.

No matter what he said, his parents always came back with another emotional ploy to try and change his mind.

Luke was, frankly, a little surprised. He hadn’t expected this level of backlash. Or, more specifically, he hadn’t expected this level of emotional resistance.

Sure, he’d anticipated they would be angry and accuse him of bringing them shame, but this assault on his character and their ultimatum of choosing between his relationship and his family—that he hadn’t been prepared for.

He finished wiping the table and trotted behind the counter to wash the cloth off in the sink. The water was warm against his hands and by the time he’d squeezed the cloth dry and laid it out, he was ready to go home.

“Luke?” Uncle Eddie closed the door to the kitchen and walked over to him. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Yes?” Luke flipped the light switch back on and watched his uncle approach.

Eddie climbed into one of the bar stools and stared him down. There was an extra intensity in his eyes that made Luke uncomfortable. He strode nearer and waited for his uncle to speak.

Eddie licked his lips. “I spoke to your parents.”

“Okay.” The Zhangs were a close family and they spoke regularly. It wasn’t an announcement that required such a grave expression. Unless…

“Your mother said you were dating a black woman. Is that true?”

He avoided his uncle’s gaze. “Why would they bother telling you that?”

“Because they’re very disappointed.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Luke waved his uncle’s concerns away. “I’ll deal with my parents.”
